How to Create an Amazing Futuristic Matte Painting in Photoshop

How to Create an Amazing Futuristic Matte Painting in Photoshop
How to Create an Amazing Futuristic Matte Painting in Photoshop

Adjust the saturation using Hue/Saturation dialogue box. Press Ctrl+U to load the Dialogue box.


Drop in Sky2 just above the Sky1 layer. Squash the layer in both directions and re align just as you can see here.


Here I kept the portion of the layer I wanted and masked out remaining area using a Layer Mask. Pick a soft brush to paint inside the mask.


Mix it up with the sky below. Match the lighting and color using Curves and Hue/Saturation adjustments.


I sampled the color from the sky layer and painted to fill the gap.


Drop in the Sky3 into the Sky group. Reposition the sky. I wanted the top right portion of the image. So keeping it intact hide the remaining with a Mask.


Adjust the tone and lightness with Hue/Saturation box.


I Duplicated the background Layer. Disabled the mask, copied the portion that I wanted. Blended it using Layer Mask and Curves adjustments.


Step 4: Creating the Futuristic Building

This is what we are going to create


So we have this idea of having a giant structure in the scene based on the sketch. To create the initial shape we will use Illustrator's 3D tools. Switch to Illustrator. Press Ctrl+N to create a new document. Draw the outline shape using the Pen Tool. Change the stroke color to #ffffff


After the shape is defined go to Effect > 3D > 3D Revolve.


Copy the object and paste it into our document as Smart Object. Place it above the mountain range in the middle ground. Create a new group for the object. For the sake of simplicity call it "Building". This is going to be the base layer that contains photo elements and details.


Yeah the shape is good but I wanted it to be a little bit wider. So I stretched it a little bit by pressing Ctrl+T. Add a Layer Mask to the base layer and hide the areas that are covering the trees in the background to make it look like it is behind the trees.


Recolor the building. Create a new layer above the base layer. Press Ctrl+Alt+G to clip the layer to the base layer. Create a new gradient in with similar values. Apply the gradient by dragging with the Gradient tool.

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