Rusted Metal Art
Rusted Metal Art

In this Photoshop tutorial, you will learn how to transform a photo into rusted metal art. Following this tutorial will also help you understand several Photoshop filters by teaching you how to create a rust and metal textures using a combination of those filters.

Digital Star Effect
Digital Star Effect

Turn a regular photo into a high-tech digital artwork.


Step 1 - Preparing the Document Open an image to edit. Step 2 Duplicate the layer (Layer> Duplicate Layer or Ctrl+J) and change the blending mode of the new layer to Screen. Add a layer mask to the top layer (Layer> Layer Mask> Reveal All). Make sure that the layer mask is selected. Creating the […]


Add a strong diffusion glow effect. This Photoshop effect makes light skin glow while keeping dark areas, such as hair, dark.

Pop Art
Pop Art

Transform a photo into retro pop art.

Soft Contrast
Soft Contrast

Enhance dull photos soft contrast. This Photoshop effect enhances contrast and saturation.
