Create an Epic Pirate Sea Battle in Photoshop

Create an Epic Pirate Sea Battle in Photoshop
Create an Epic Pirate Sea Battle in Photoshop

Step 24

Remember Jaws? I sure do and the thing I remember the most are those white sharp teeth. Our poor creature have slightly yellowish teeth – no dentists would dare looking into that mouth – so let’s fix them ourselves. Create a Curves Adjustment Layer and drag the curve up to lighten. Fill the layer mask with black and paint with white in the layer mask over the teeth.


Step 25

Create a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer and clip it to the creature layer. Drag the hue slider to 135 and the Saturation slider to 57. Fill the layer mask with black and paint with white in the layer mask to reveal the effect over the eye.


Step 26

Repeat the step above but this time change the hue slider to -40 and the saturation to 79. Paint with white over the mouth in the layer mask.


Step 27

Create a layer (or more for flexibility) and change the blending mode to Overlay (or Color Dodge). With the standard round soft brush at 20% opacity paint with white over the bumps and forms of the creature to make them stand out. Lower the size of the brush to 1px and paint some hard white outlines in the nose and neck area.


Step 28

Create a new layer and change the blending mode to overlay. Sample a light blue from the sky and paint with 20% opacity over the creature’s head and neck to make it blend with the scene.


Step 29

On a new layer paint with the standard chalk brush at 40% opacity a thin line on the neck of the creature where it supposedly emerges from the water.


Step 30

On a new layer set to Multiply paint some blood near the creature’s mouth using the blood brushes with a dark red (#8b0e16).


Step 31

Open one of the paint splash images and use Select > Color Range to make a selection of the paint splash. Copy and paste the splash in our scene. Use a layer mask to blend it nicely.


Step 32

Create Curves Adjustment Layer with the settings shown below and clip it to the splash layer. By doing this we will do the color correct needed for some imported objects as we discussed at step 8. You can also add clipped Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer and drag the saturation slider to -50 to tone down the intensity.

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12 comments on “Create an Epic Pirate Sea Battle in Photoshop”

  1. wow nice work but the thing is that am new to this how can i get your article. i serious need to learn this, hope to hear from

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