test Color grading your photos to get a certain look and feel is quite hard to do with the Curves and HSL adjustments. You can now download these free reference charts for Photoshop and Lightroom which will make using the tone curves much easier and it’ll also let you see exactly what colors you’re getting. These charts are intended for people who already have experience color grading and need a better way to visualize their effects.


Tone and Color Chart.zip


Drag and drop the two reference chart in your document. Position the layers in this order:

  1. Photoshop Top Layer.png
  2. Curves Adjustment Layer
  3. Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer
  4. Photoshop Bottom Layer.png
  5. Background / Your Photo


Right-click on any image then go to Edit In > Open as Smart Object in Photoshop. Drag and drop the Lightroom reference chart over your photo then save and close the document.

10 responses to “Color Grade Better with These Free Charts for Photoshop & Lightroom”

  1. Alan Avatar

    Hi, Denny. Your file isnt avaliable to download. You can help me?

  2. Andrew Avatar


  3. Francesca Fuller Avatar
    Francesca Fuller

    Denny, I really appreciate the work you put into these videos, it’s a lot of work.
    Love these.
    Thank you

  4. Syd Avatar

    Hi Denny – I thought this was an excellent way to color grad! It did a really good job on my sky with big clouds, especially after adjusting the individual channels. The Hue/Sat adjustments were good, but this really worked with the Curves Adj. Layer. Great tutorial!

  5. Vector Designs Avatar
    Vector Designs

    posts about are why everyone loves your page

  6. Vector Designs Avatar
    Vector Designs

    posts like this are why everyone likes facebook

  7. Vector Designs Avatar
    Vector Designs


  8. Vector Designs Avatar
    Vector Designs


  9. Vector Designs Avatar
    Vector Designs


  10. Anand Avatar

    nice tutorial, but I am waiting for a photo manipulation tutorial!

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