Create a Surreal Scene with a Cool Snail that Flies

Create a Surreal Scene with a Cool Snail that Flies
Create a Surreal Scene with a Cool Snail that Flies

Now create new Hue/Saturation adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer's (Tree1 layer and Hue/Saturation) to make a mask.


The result should be similar to this:


Now it's shadow time :P.

Activate the Brush tool (B) and input the following:

  • Brush size: 400px
  • Hardness: 0%
  • Opacity: 40%
  • Flow: 100%

The result should be similar to this:


Use pen tool to draw these natural ropes.Use (484848) as foreground color.


The result should be similar to this:


Step 15: Add Birds

In this step, we will add Birds to our image. To start, create a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) and name it "Birds". Now, activate the Brush tool (B) and open the brush set: "Birds of a Feather". To load them, simply, right click on our canvas through any layer and then click on the drop-down button as shown below:.


This will prompt the contextual menu to pop up and once you see that, just click on Load Brushes.


You will now be prompted to this directory: Adobe Photoshop > Presets > Brushes so make sure that you have put the brushes within this folder. Now locate the brush set and click OK. Right click on the canvas again using your Brush tool (B) and now you'll notice that you have lightning brushes. Now, let's choose a brush:


With that brush selected, input the following brush settings for it:

  • Brush size: 400px
  • Hardness: Default
  • Opacity: 40%
  • Flow: 100%
  • #: 00000

Now, let's paint Bird in highlighted areas:


The result should be similar to this:


With that brush selected, input the following brush settings for it:

  • Brush size: 400px
  • Hardness: Default
  • Opacity: 40%
  • Flow: 100%
  • #: 00000

Now, let's paint Bird in highlighted areas:


Reduce the opacity to 75.


Now that you’re done, activate the Eraser tool (E) and input the following:

  • Brush size: 400px
  • Hardness: 0%
  • Opacity: 40%
  • Flow: 100%

The result should be similar to this:


Step 16: Create a Vignette

In this step, we will learn how to create a vignette which will help enhance the focus on our subject. Create a new layer name it "vignette".Fill it with white color.


Now go to Filer > Distort > lens correction.


Now use these settings:

  • Vignette amount: -100
  • Midpoint: 10

The result should be similar to this:


Change layer mode to "Multiply".


Reduce it's opacity to "65".

The result should be similar to this:


Step 17: Add texture

let’s open the "metal texture 15" stock in Photoshop. We are using it as a texture for our image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

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8 comments on “Create a Surreal Scene with a Cool Snail that Flies”

  1. What a shitty tutorial. No mention of why any of the steps are done. Just bullshit "input these values". Thanks for nothing asshole.

  2. There are broken links in photos( and there is no PSD file of the tutorial( can you, please, add?

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