Are you currently working on any project you are excited about? If so, can you tell us a brief overview of that project?

Right now I am in the middle of a few little projects that all includes a forest. It’s a place, where I go to get rejuvenated, to get energy, at the same time to calm myself and think life over.  I call a forest my office. I spent one day in a beautiful forest near my grandparents’ house and created few pieces that I am really excited about simply just because it is a beautiful and calming place for my soul.


More about Annija Veldre

Annija Veldre is also studying PR and Advertising.  Self portraiture become her way of self expression. You can find more of her works on her Behance profile or website.

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3 responses to “Interview with Photographer Annija Veldre”

  1. nisha Avatar

    I would like to appreciate your work which you did by self practice.please send some tutorial.

  2. Annija Veldre Photography Avatar
    Annija Veldre Photography

    Thank you, I am really honored!

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials

      You’re welcome! :)

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