Step 42
Add new clipping layer. With small, soft brush (ex 2px) pick white beige color. Draw contour of the mask and pattern of mask.

Step 43
Again add clipping layer. You will create light on mask set. Pick soft brush #968979 color and draw on the left and right side of mask, as shown. For better effect, you can use lighter tones of beige on the edges of mask.

At the end, change blending mode to Screen.

Step 44
Back below mask. Create new layer (without clipping). Use small, soft brush, with dark beige color and draw shadows below mask, on the neck and hair. Then change blending mode to multiply.

Step 45
Below mask place wing. Mask it as is shown. Erase also second wing.

Step 46
Add Hue/Saturation adjustment layer and make clipping mask (RMB > Create clipping mask). Set it as shown. You should make it brighter, for further transforms of colors.

Step 47
Next, add adjustment layer with Color/Balance.

Step 48
Then, add Brightness/Contrast layer – also clippy, because wing is still too dark.

Step 49
Add new layer and make it clippy (RMB > Create clipping mask). Pick soft, brown brush and draw on the right side of wing.

Change blending mode to Screen.

Step 50
On new clipping layer repeat 49 step, but use lighter brush.

Step 51
Add clipping layer. You will create shadows on wings. Use smaller brush and draw below the feathers. Then change blending option to Multiply.

Step 52
At the end of making wings, choose on new (without clipping) layer small (1px) white brush and draw light contour.

Step 53
Place wing layers to one folder, then duplicate it (as shown). Flip whole folder horizontally and transform (ctrl+T).

Step 54
Go on the top of the layers. On new layer draw with small brush some particles. Then from top menu choose Filter > Blur > Radial blur. Set amount to 2. Then decrease opacity to 75%.

Step 55
Now place particles brush PSD to your file. Add Radial blur and set it as shown.

Then add Gaussian blur:

Next, change opacity of this layer to 14%.

Step 56
Add new layer. With huge, soft, gray brush draw dots on the bottom of picture. You can also play with opacity. In the corners it’s bigger than above.
14 responses to “Create a Fantasy Photo Manipulation of Valkyrie”
Not sure about the mask, but everything else is pretty.
Where’s the tutorial? I can see only a picture!
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Cool Technique <3
Your photograph is perfect for Marie’s clipping mask . . . beautiful.
Obrigado pelo turorial! foi um pouco demorado mas foi gratificante! ^^
ai está o meu trabalho: http://marloaugusto.deviantart.com/art/Gothic-Fantasy-by-Marlo-484732440 -
Nice technique. Really useful…thanks for the post…
good very nice
i need the black cloth plzzz
very nice
i need the black cloth plzzzz
Amazing tut! Thank you! :)
v nice monika
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