If you want you can change blending mode to Multiply – for darker mood on your work.

Step 57
Create new layer. In color picker set black and white colors. From top menu choose Filter > Render > Clouds. Then choose Filter > Blur > Gaussian blur. Set it as shown.

Step 58
Change blending mode of created layer to Soft light and decrease opacity to 44%. It gives your image more dramatic look.

Step 59
Create new adjustment layer with black and white radial gradient fill.

Then change blending mode and opacity to Soft Light, 50%.

Step 60
Now you can play with colors. Add Color Balance adjustment layer. In the picture are my settings.

Other capabilities:

Final Results
![final-results[1] final-results[1]](https://cdn.photoshoptutorials.ws/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/finalresults11.jpg?strip=all&lossy=1&webp=82&avif=82&w=1920&ssl=1)
Download the PSD
Tutorial by msRiotte
14 responses to “Create a Fantasy Photo Manipulation of Valkyrie”
Not sure about the mask, but everything else is pretty.
Where’s the tutorial? I can see only a picture!
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Cool Technique <3
Your photograph is perfect for Marie’s clipping mask . . . beautiful.
Obrigado pelo turorial! foi um pouco demorado mas foi gratificante! ^^
ai está o meu trabalho: http://marloaugusto.deviantart.com/art/Gothic-Fantasy-by-Marlo-484732440 -
Nice technique. Really useful…thanks for the post…
good very nice
i need the black cloth plzzz
very nice
i need the black cloth plzzzz
Amazing tut! Thank you! :)
v nice monika
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