Step 6
Select again the floor layer and use the wand tool (Ctrl+W) and click on the middle part of the bedroom. Press (Shift+F5) to fill in the floor material. Click on the arrow down selection and choose pattern. In this regard the wood pattern is the second from last set of patterns. Click on this and press Ok. Now click on the middle part of the bathroom area and repeat the same process earlier but choose the last pattern which is the stone from the Fill dialogue box.

Step 7
By this time you should have arrived at the floor pattern below. You will notice I added a stone pattern in the terrace outside the bedroom. Use the marquee tool (Press M) and highlight a portion of the terrace. The size to be highlighted need not necessarily to be precise. I used the same pattern from the bathroom using the same process in Step 5. Next, you may add a little bit of glare on the floor patterns. Press O for the Dodge tool to accentuate some parts of the floor. You can use the settings I used shown below.
![Step 6.1[4] Step 6.1[4]](https://cdn.photoshoptutorials.ws/./images/stories/Designa3DFloorPlanwithPhotoshop_1FDD/Step6.14.jpg?strip=all&lossy=1&webp=82&avif=82&w=1920&ssl=1)

Step 8
Turn on the layer 2D plan and duplicate its layer again named as furniture-fixture. As a tip turn off all the other layers except the furniture-fixture layer. Next, using the marquee tool (Press M). Delete all the walls, closet, and door as highlighted by a selection in the image below. You may press Shift+click in order to add-up a selection of the areas to be deleted. Only the bed, chairs, desk, lamp, toilet & bidet, vanity and tub will be left as shown further below.

Step 9
Next, create a new layer press (Shift+Ctrl+N) and name this layer as Ground. Then press (Shift+F5) to fill it with a 50% gray color. Select the layer furniture-fixture and drag this on top of the Ground layer and press (Ctrl-U) and adjust the its lightness to 90. This will make the furniture-fixture layer a bit invisible. This will then lessen the lineweights of the lines from being thick.

Step 10
Then start filling colors at each of the furniture Use (Shift+F5) colors. I chose a dark color red for the lounge chair below and then use the burn tool to give accents for the shadings. You should then repeat the same process for the rest of the furniture. You would then achieve a similar image further below in this step. You can play with the colors you want to fill for the furniture and fixtures. For the desks, side table, and headboard I personally decided to fill them with a defined pattern similar to the process in Step 5 and a very light grey for the toilet fixtures. Lastly, add a drop shadow from layer style. You may copy the values I used as shown.
7 responses to “Design a 3D Floor Plan with Photoshop”
You gotta set the drawing plan first in AutoCAD before you can put it into photoshop, you couldn’t get the right dimension. But I don’t think you can upload dwg files into photoshop that would be a problem.
Thanks for the article.. friend i was searching.. for the this.. issue since long time..i’m very happy for seeing this now..good work..
Nice tutorial
Create Photo-realistic 3D Floor Plan
pictures plane Photoshop house
It very important steps for architect to create a presentation.
Thankyou -
dear, i am a architect working in India i have one doubt how we will create high resolution
image in Photoshop … i mean after my work photo clear is going so… will you help me… i wanna to know how we can create building elevations in Photoshop…thanks regard
sakkeer husain
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