
Once your 3DL is saved, you can use it in Photoshop with the Color Lookup adjustment layer (Window > New Adjustment Layer > Color Lookup). In Premiere Pro and Speedgrade, use the Lumetri adjustment layer.


You’re done! Now you can easily use the 3DL file to match color effects in Photoshop, Premiere Pro, After Effects, and other software.


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12 responses to “How to Match Color Grading Between Photoshop, Premiere, and Others”

  1. Anjel Arobi Avatar
    Anjel Arobi

    I love to use Photoshop for any editing work

  2.  Avatar

    Adobe is a monstour

  3. Styloboy Bablu Avatar
    Styloboy Bablu

    i need a help

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Staff Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Staff

      How can we help?

  4. Dana Avatar

    Hello, i have a problem with File > Export > Color Lookup Tables, because the option “Color Lookup Tables” does not appear.

    If you could help me, i would be very grateful.

    1. Luci Avatar

      Same as Dana “Color Lookup Tables” does not appear.

    2.  Avatar

      i think you should press ctrl + shift + Alt + S, then you will save the profile sucessfully.

  5. Ashish Avatar


    Can you tell me how i can save as PNG ? Because i like to use as iPhone Project.Where i need LUT As a PNG File.

  6. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Thanks for sharing these useful information….

  7.  Avatar

    3dl files should be gamut-related. A 3dl file can result in different looking for a image with different gamut(sRGB,aRGB,ProphtoRGB)

  8. Anonymous Avatar

    3dl files can also be used in adobe media encoder

  9. Aiken Avatar

    Really interesting!

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