• Brush size: 200px
  • Hardness: Default
  • Opacity: 70%
  • Flow: 100%
  • #: ooooo

Now, let’s paint in the shadow in highlighted areas:


The result should be similar to this:


Step 11: Create Rose

First off, let’s open the Rose by angeltouch1 stock in Photoshop. We will be using the bench on this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.Now activate lasso tool (L) and select the highlighted area.


Now drag it to main canvas and activate transform tool then scale it down.Have a look in the image.change the layer name to “Rose”.


Now we will add some glow to our flowers.Let’s activate rose layer by a click on it then duplicate the layer by ctrl/cmd+j drag it below rose layer and change it’s name to “Glow”.Now scale it little big by free transform tool.Now go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian blur. Set the Radius to 5 pixels.58[4]

The result should be similar to this:


Step 12: Create Rose Shadow

Activate Brush tool with these values:

  • Brush size: 30px
  • Hardness: Default
  • Opacity: 60%
  • Flow: 100%
  • #: ooooo

Paint in highlighted area


The result should be similar to this:


Step 13: Create Big Sparkle

In this step, we will add a source light around rose . To start, create a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) and name it “source light”. Now, activate the Brush tool (B) and open the brush set:

With that brush selected, input the following brush settings for it:

  • Brush size: 173px
  • Hardness: Default
  • Opacity: 90%
  • Flow: 100%
  • #: dff9ff

This is the brush color we would be using:


Now, let’s paint in the Source light in highlighted areas:


The result should be similar to this:


Step 14: Create Small Sparkles

In this step, we will add some small sparkles around rose . To start, create a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) and name it “sparkles 1”. Now, activate the Brush tool (B) and open the brush set:

With that brush selected, input the following brush settings for it:

  • Brush size: 15px
  • Hardness: Default
  • Opacity: 100%
  • Flow: 100%
  • #: fffff

This is the brush color we would be using:


Now, let’s paint in highlighted areas:


The result should be similar to this:


Now we will add some more small sparkles around rose . To start, create a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) and name it “sparkles 2”. Now, activate the Brush tool (B) and open the brush set:

With that brush selected, input the following brush settings for it:

  • Brush size: 25px
  • Hardness: Default
  • Opacity: 100%
  • Flow: 100%
  • #: dff9ff

This is the brush color we would be using:


Now, let’s paint in highlighted areas:


The result should be similar to this:

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3 responses to “Create a Moody Landscape Photo Manipulation in Photoshop”

  1. fastgood Avatar

    good ! Thank you ~:)

  2. Darshan Avatar

    nice tutorial

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