Create this “City to Country” Photo Manipulation with Photoshop

Create this “City to Country” Photo Manipulation with Photoshop
Create this “City to Country” Photo Manipulation with Photoshop

Set this layer's blending mode to Multiply and it's Opacity to 66%. You should now have this.


We just have one more to add to this. Let's erase the bottom so it blends cleary between the layers. Use the Eraser tool (E), and zoom in and erase with the horizon. Depending on the size of your composition, depends on your eraser size. Larger the better so it creates a nice even transition.


Step 8 - Add the glowing moon

Now It's time to add the moon. Open the image "Moon.jpg". Before we move this into our composition we must cut it out. To do this, use the Magic Wand (W) and select anywhere other then the moon. You have no created a selection around the moon. Go to Selection > Inverse so it grabs just the moon, and we can now move this into our composition.


The moon is clearly to big. So we must resize it. So again we will use our Scale tool. Go to Image > Transform > Scale (Ctrl/Cmd + T) and scale it down to proportion. And cut off the left side slightly to add a more interesting effect.


Now the moon isn't really in the mood. Let's change this by setting the layers blending mode to Screen, and adding some glow to it. Right click the layer and choose Blending Options, and check Outer Glow.


You're result so far

Step 10 - Add the inside door border

Now we will add a black border on the inside of the door using the Brush tool (B). First, create a new layer, and name it "Black Border". And set it above the other layers, but below the "Door Copy" layer. Using your brush, set the hardness to 0% and use a fairly large size brush to add this border. Use the Shift key to keep your brush a straight line as you move up. Be careful not to make it took dark. This should be your outcome.


Step 11 - Add moonlight

Now we are going to add a glow emitting from the moon. To start, we need to create a new layer. Name this layer "Moon Glow". This layer does go ABOVE "Door Copy"! Using the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L)create the shape below.


Use your Brush Tool (B) and paint the inside of this selection White. Then deselect this layer.


Set this layers blending mode to Overlay, and zoom in with and use the Eraser (E) and erase the edges to make a nice soft, glowing effect. When erasing, be sure to erase on the outside right of the door, as if it's shining on both the inside of the door and outside.

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Create Dot Grid Art in 1 Click

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