Learn how to create this beautiful mountain landscape in Photoshop. This tutorial shows how to develop a amazing and meditative landscape of the mysterious East theme out of a plain background using photo manipulation, photo montage techniques coupled with some painting inside Photoshop.

First of all we will create foreground atmosphere using temple and lotuses photos. In next part add towers to expand the landscape and make the transition between plans. Then we will create a surreal mountain landscape and add a variety of color effects. In the final step, we will create light effects and sun. Finish it up with using adjustments layers properly. I have used Photoshop version CC 2014 to create this work but you cam use any version from CS onwards will be fine as well.

Tutorial Resources

Step 1

Opening Photoshop and get started! Create a new document at 1800 pixels wide and 3300 pixels height, resolution 300 Pixels/Inch.


Step 2

Now, we’re going to create the base of our artwork. I started with the first central temple. It was from its position I can move on and build a correctly perspective. Go to File > Place (Place Embedded) and add in working document image “byodo_in_temple_in_oahu_by_cynnalia_stock-d7bz2oh”.


Step 3

In the case of vertical image, I did not change the original size of the photo. I positioned it so that the photo started with 2536 pixels height up. Try to place the picture precisely, so as not to background stood out (to make it easier to hide the background layer by clicking the eye icon next to the layer).


Step 4

I immediately removed the fog and pyramidal trees, that it does not interfere. For this I used Pen Tool (P). I need a clear and straight edges of the temple. If you use other tools as Quick Selection Tool (W) you will get rough edge and some unnecessary items can stay. For matte painting every detail is important and forms the basis for a good picture. Leave trees on the left and right sides of the image. When you selected trees do not need to exactly follow the contour, leave some free space above them as well as at the edges of roofs. From created path make a selection (right – click on image or button on upper Options panel).

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30 responses to “How to Create a Mysterious Matte Painting Landscape in Photoshop”

  1. notinmrtukersclass Avatar

    also me

  2. Chuck Avatar

    This looks so cool. You know what would make it even better?? ATMOSPHERIC PERSPECTIVE. But that can be a personal job for readers. Nice work

  3.  Avatar

    this is good thanks

  4.  Avatar


  5. dr duke Avatar
    dr duke

    this actually sucks

  6. dr duke Avatar
    dr duke

    this sucks

    1.  Avatar

      bro I be watching dr duke all day keep up the amazing vids man

  7.  Avatar

    good job!

  8. Liryc Geronimo Avatar
    Liryc Geronimo


  9. Courtney Rice Avatar
    Courtney Rice

    That’s the most hideous photo that I have ever seen.

  10. Rheygal Shocker Avatar
    Rheygal Shocker


  11. Yasser Elsebaiey Avatar
    Yasser Elsebaiey

    “an amazing” NOT “a amazing” !

  12.  Avatar

    takes to long

  13. Zack Avatar

    Great tutorial! I’ve learned a lot. Here is my outcome: http://oi66.tinypic.com/2a5gqbr.jpg


  14. Paul Avatar

    Possibly the best tutorial I have done. Absolutly awesome image, and I love the way you explain how you see it & why. It is like a noval.
    Please do more !

  15. Duy Cua Avatar
    Duy Cua

    Thanks you! Maria
    I had finished this tutorial.

  16.  Avatar

    Thanks for sharing…. :-)

  17. Lezette Resto Avatar
    Lezette Resto


  18. Polgb Avatar

    Amazing tutorial, now I have to go back and do the rest of your stuff. :D

    A tip for Step 38: just select your top layer, go to Edit -> Select all (ctrl/cmd + A)
    then Edit -> Copy merged (shift + ctrl/cmd + C)

    This will copy all the visible layer (inside your selection), now you just have to paste it,

    Edit -> Paste (ctrl/cmd + V) or Paste special -> Paste in place (shift + ctrl/cmd + V).

  19. Finja Avatar

    wow, what a wonderful great tutorial.
    Very well explained so even a “beginner” to work with.
    Thank you also for the material and links to the trouble to write it all. Once again, simply grandiose.
    Kind Regards

    1. Arif Billah Avatar
      Arif Billah

      Easy to follow. But I have some problems with making it exactly the same you have showed. I would have to search in http://google.com for photoshop basic tools documentation.

      However, thanks!

  20.  Avatar


  21. Pamela McVey Avatar
    Pamela McVey

    Absolutely georgeous.

  22. FNAF Avatar

    and AMAZING!

  23. FNAF Avatar

    TAKES SO LONG, but the outcome is amazing!

  24.  Avatar

    one of the finest…what a refreshing work to see..

  25. Pradip Nagadia Avatar
    Pradip Nagadia

    Near to natural !

  26. Wan Waraporn Avatar
    Wan Waraporn

    it’s so realistic pic

  27. Ifal Avatar

    great work, i like it :)

  28. Alex Mojesejev Avatar
    Alex Mojesejev

    this is great i love and need turt specially on building back grounds and Invirements

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