Create Underwater Atlantic City Photomanipulation
The best simulator for spacewalking is underwater – it allows full visuals and body movement in 3D. Virtual reality is good, too, and has some advantages, like full Station simulation, not just part. Like all simulators, they have parts that are wrong and misleading: an important thing to remember when preparing for reality. In this…
Create a Movie Poster in Photoshop
You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them. You were to bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness. First, add a background and apply some blur, then place a moon and Stormtrooper. Add some Adjustment Layers and place fire particles and fog/clouds. Next,…
Mysterious Deer in Night Photoshop Manipulation
Live bold, without fear. This is life amongst the deer. Your growing antlers,’ Bambi continued, ‘are proof of your intimate place in the forest, for of all the things that live and grow only the trees and the deer shed their foliage each year and replace it more strongly, more magnificently, in the spring. Each…
Look at Earth Surreal Photomanipulation Tutorial
“The Earth was small, light blue, and so touchingly alone, our home that must be defended like a holy relic. The Earth was absolutely round. I believe I never knew what the word round meant until I saw Earth from space.” In this Photoshop tutorial, we will learn how to combine multiple stock photos into…
The Danger is Coming Photoshop Tutorial
Tell me what I must slay, what I must steal, tell me the riddle I must solve or the hag I must trick. Only tell me the way, and I will do it, no matter the danger, no matter the hardship, no matter the cost.” In this Photoshop tutorial, we will learn how to create…
Create a Light House on Cloud Photomanipulation Tutorial
It’s about how you’re like a lighthouse, always searching far into the distance. But the thing you’re looking for is usually close to you and always has been. That’s why you have to look within yourself to find answers instead of searching beyond. In this Photoshop tutorial, we will learn how to create a Surreal scene…