Interview with Illustrator and Art Director Mario Sánchez Nevado

Interview with Illustrator and Art Director Mario Sánchez Nevado
Interview with Illustrator and Art Director Mario Sánchez Nevado
Compassion by Mario Sánchez Nevado

How do you put balance to digital and traditional methods when making your artworks?

I guess it's just a matter of having a good eye for aesthetics. There's not a magic method or rule to do so. You can mix an empty beer bottle and a bulb and make it look beautiful if you have that "sixth sense". You can start a piece in either medium and decide what's missing from the other one and then, switch to it, even several times, until you know you've got that balance on which you can hardly tell what came first.

Closer by Mario Sánchez Nevado

Some of your works put an emphasis on the head part such as your Patience, Symphony and Nirvana projects. Can you tell us why you do that?

I think that everything happens in our heads, and as art can be self liberating from the issues of this world (or the engine who can think in solving them), the characters on my illustrations work in the same way. I talk about their feelings or intentions in that heads that become something else, and their meaning is all about the context you can see surrounding the characters, just as it would happen in real life. One of the biggest lines of dialogue in my artwork is about how we interact and deal about the contexts surrounding us, from the smallest ones, such as our neighborhood, to bigger things as our culture, political situation or country, and how that affects us in our everyday lifes.

What process did you go through when you manipulated Betrayal?

The main idea for "Betrayal" appeared in a series of three sketches I created for an etching project I was working on back in 2008. I never finished the project 'though, so those ideas, as many others, ended up in a folder or a drawer, until I found them again when arranging home move. These sketches were about domestic violence. I picked my favorite of the three and started to do the final art in digital. As it usually happens, the image started to take a different shape and I followed it. The composition and feeling is basically the same, but adding all that nature on the woman, and the civilization on the gun gave it a total different meaning. There's a complete story about its process, with pics of the making and such available on my website.

Betrayal by Mario Sánchez Nevado

Does music play an important role in your life? If so, can you tell us why?

Well, of course! As I told you, it was one of the main reasons I wanted to become what I am know. I'm deeply passionate about (almost) all kinds of music. I'm always listening to something 24/7. I used to borrow song titles to name my first illustrations, or to take my favorite songs and illustrate them, and that's why nowadays I spend my time creating artworks for music bands all over the world, because it all started with my devotion for music and the fact that back in the day, I bought some of my now all-time favorite albums by their covers.

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7 comments on “Interview with Illustrator and Art Director Mario Sánchez Nevado”

  1. Dear Senor Sanchez Nevado,
    I just discovered your art and feel driven to learn more about your thoughts about pieces like Compassion, Empathy and Forgiveness. I can see your work being used in spiritual workshops/retreats so would love to get a sense of what your were bringing forth in each piece.
    Best Wishes
    Maureen Mannion

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