This interview features graphic designer Boris Pelcer. His passion and dedication not only in his work but also in life itself will surely captivate you. His work aesthetic features a whimsical appeal and mirrors the beauty of humanity. Read on and get to know more about this inspiring designer.

Can you tell us more about yourself? What influenced you to become a graphic designer?

I am originally from Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina. I lived in Bosnia, and later in Serbia until 1998 when my family emigrated to USA. I have been drawing since I was 3. I was quite fascinated with the idea of making something from nothing. The activity that initiated it all, was tracing the outlines of characters from coloring books on a separate piece of paper only to later on in the day redraw the same characters without looking at anything. I found the act of recreating something with the use of memory quite fascinating and as such I did it a lot. My fascination with creativity and creating itself has been well nurtured ever since.


Where do you find your inspiration?

I find a lot of inspiration in the work of other artists that display superb inter-connectivity of concepts with their visuals. Frequently I find inspiration in the simple everyday acts. Sincere but simple gestures inspire me just as much. Music is something always present during my studio time. The inspiration from music varies. Sometimes its just the overall energy and sometimes its the lyrics in conjunction with the overall emotional reaction of the song.


What was your big break as a designer?

Big Break in my scope of understanding is the big opportunity that drastically and in a positive direction changes the opportunities that I have as a creative individual. In that light of perception I still have yet to experience that “big break” opportunity. What I can say about getting this far is that it took a lot of effort and determination. After graduating from Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design I decided to work as an Apparel Graphic Designer for a creative agency known as Brew City Brand Apparel. I learned an amazing deal about the business part of working with clients as well as the conception process required to make good ideas. The speed of creating 10 to sometimes 30 designs a day forced me to learn a lot and at a very quick pace. I did this for about 3 years. Of course during that time all of the work completed for the agency was based around their ideas and their visions. The only time I could really push my own personal voice was after work. I explored some directions within my own work by doing exhibitions and freelance from time to time. As you can imagine it was hard to find the effort and energy to create for myself after a full day of creating work for someone else.

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