Circuit Board
Transform a regular photo into a high-tech artwork made up of blocks and connectors resembling a circuit board.
Contrast Layers
Use this technique to create a high contrast or low contrast image using a set of contrast adjustment layers.
Half Sepia
Add a modern sepia tone to your photos. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to add a sepia tone specifically to the highlights or shadows of an image.
Digital Flash
Brighten dark areas of a photo like a fill-flash. This effect burns bright areas and dodges dark areas to make photos look closer to what we naturally see with our own eyes.
Edge Sharpening
Sharpen the edges of a portrait without sharpening the skin. This sharpening technique detects edges and applies sharpening only to the edges.
Keying Green Backdrops
Separate objects from green backdrops with presicion and control. Learn how to mask fine strands of hair and a translucent glass cup.