Keying Green Backdrops
Keying Green Backdrops

Separate objects from green backdrops with presicion and control. Learn how to mask fine strands of hair and a translucent glass cup.


Smooth and reduce details without losing edges. This contemporary effect is great for hiding flaw in portraits.

Raw vs JPEG
Raw vs JPEG

Learn the pros and cons of Raw and JPEG files and find out why it's not always better to shoot Raw. What is Raw, or RAW? You may have seen Raw spelt in all capitals like RAW. Both ways of spelling is correct, but don't mistaken the word for an acronym. Raw is basically the […]

White Balance
White Balance

Explore the three quick white balance correction techniques and learn how to manually calibrate the balance of each channel. White balance is a feature found in digital cameras to prevent color casts by adjusting the temperature of the photo. However, lighting variance and wrong white balance settings may produce color casts that require post processing.

Digital Display
Digital Display

Turn an image into a high-tech digital art. From a distance, it will look like a LED display image but viewing up close will reveal the tiny details. Note: Make sure that the image is in RGB color mode. To switch to RGB color mode, click on RGB Color under the Image> Mode menu.


Simulate the effects of Fujifilm Velvia film. The Fujifilm Velvia film is a professional photography reversal film popular for its brighter colors and higher contrast. Like Velvia film, this Photoshop effect is great for landscape photos but may oversaturate skin tones.
