Step 17
On top of the model’s layer add the Floral crown, resize it, place it on her head and tilt it a little bit. This is also a png file, so you won’t need to cut or mask anything. To make it look place on her head erase little and carefully with a soft brush the bottom of the crown.
Step 18-a
Create a new layer name it “Lens flare” and fill it with black. Then go to Filter>Render>Lens flare. Choose the desired shape and values and select ok. In this image I made 2. One for her necklace and the other one on her crown. You could also create only one, duplicate it and resize it to get the small one for the crown then merge both layers.
Step 18-b
Select your “Lens flare” layer and set the blending mode to screen. This is how it should look like.
Step 19
Create a new layer and name it “Fog”. Make sure it’s placed above all alyers. Select the brush tool with color white. Use a huge brush with Hardness 0% Opacity 70% and flow 40%. Apply single clicks many times to create the desired fog.
Step 20
Create a new layer and name it “Feathers”. Place it below the model and wings layers. After importing your feathers brush, select the brush tool with color white and right-click to choose your feathers brushes and place them randomly. For better results place every feather on a layer to be able to transform them freely then go to Filter>Blur>Motion blur. When you’re happy with it merge the feathers layers into one single layer.
Step 21
Finally, we’ll be adding some color adjustments above all layers. Go to Layer>New adjustment layer>Gradient map then ok. It should be from black to white. Set the blending mode, of this gradient map layer, to multiply and opacity 20%
Step 22
Now another gradient map. Go to Layer>New adjustment layer>Gradient map then ok. Go inside the gradient map layer and apply those values (the numbers indicate the color codes). Set the blending mode to soft light and opacity 30%. Make sure to check “Reverse”.
Step 23
Go to Layer>New adjustment Layer>Vibrance and set the vibrance to +40 Those 3 adjustment layers together will give you this result.15 responses to “How to Create an Emotional Photo Manipulation of an Angel”
beautiful art!
Claer tutorial , fabulous ,thanks for sharing .
thank you very much for share . It’s really amazing !!
its magnetic and so authentic learned many things from here. the model made is so beautiful.
its amazing. -
Hey plz make a vdo of this tutorial on youtube
Thnx for the feedback Allicia. If you hover over the tab cealld Match Reports there is a drop down menu from there for each week’s reports. I’ll add a link to the front page also.
Actually its hard to make new image combining several images and also creative too. You have done well.
Your image works beautifully with the mask Nancy! Thanks for sharing these useful information….
Wings are not available :((
Pls fix -
Very very creative tutorial and good instruction about photo manipulation.
Wings are not available :c
Hydrothunderr / hey man. ive been using this xyz too. but i was wondering what video caunpritg software you used. i wanted to contribute back to culino with a video in 4.1. great video by the way!
Really nice tutorial… It was a long time not using PS, this was perfect to
come back in the flow with it! Thank you! -
Nice Tutorial maam.. “Like”
Model’s picture not available pn 8-19-2012
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