Step 48

Create a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer and lower the Saturation to -84. Clip this layer to the fisherman layer (Alt-click between the two).


Step 49

Create a new layer and clip it to the fisherman layer. Use the round soft brush tool to paint with black on his back areas and with white on his front areas. Clip this layer to the fisherman layer.


Step 50

Create a new Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer and clip it to the fisherman. Use the settings shown below to change the hue of the fisherman to a warm red.


Step 51

Create a new layer and use the chalk brush to create a straight vertical black line from the tip of the fishing road going all the way underwater. You can hold shift while dragging the brush vertically to restrict it’s movement. Add a layer mask to this layer and with a black brush at 50% opacity paint in the layer mask to partially hide the underwater portion of the rod line.


Step 52

Group all the water related layers and name the group Water. Add a layer mask to this group and hide randomly the bottom area to make it look more natural.


Step 53

Create a couple of new layers and change their blending modes to Overlay and Color Dodge. Paint on each with a very thin round  white soft brush (2px) where the ground meets the underwater.


Step 54

Open the file “Birds”. Select all and copy paste in our scene. Place the birds as indicated below.  As you can see this simple addition already makes the scene look more believable.


Step 55

Create a new layer and import the cloud brushes (Edit > Presets > Preset Manager or double click the .abr file). Use one of the cloud brushes to create  a white cloud above the fisherman.


Step 56

Create a new layer and paint an island with a nice red brown color. Also paint the waves crushing into the island and if it is too desaturated you can add some Curves or Hue/Saturation Adjustment layers.


Step 57

Open the file “Palm”. Select all and copy/paste in our scene. Place the palm on the island and paint some shadow on an underneath layer. Clip a Curves Adjustment Layer to the palm in order to make it look greener.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

15 responses to “How to Create a Realistic Water Cube in Photoshop”

  1.  Avatar


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  4. Boerp Avatar

    Well – a floating island… -.-

  5. Mustafa Salim Avatar
    Mustafa Salim

    so fantastic (Y)

  6. Samuel A. Avatar
    Samuel A.

    cool with good aesthetic.

  7. Justin Avatar

    Amazing tutorial!

    1.  Avatar


    1. Dale Wooten Avatar
      Dale Wooten

      thank you…works perfect now :)

  8. Gul Soy Foto Dizayner Avatar
    Gul Soy Foto Dizayner

    Do have video?

    1.  Avatar

      hi dear

  9. Sabrine Mohammad Asal Avatar
    Sabrine Mohammad Asal

    I have the same problem

  10. Melody Dunn Frey Avatar
    Melody Dunn Frey

    I got the same error…

  11. Dale Wooten Avatar
    Dale Wooten

    i can’t open up this tut…says it has to many redirects or there is a problem with the server…any other people having the same issue?

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