
Step 5 – Pose your 3D Figurine and Adjust Lighting

Select your character in the Actor tab above, then choose Avatar on the Menu Bar and find Mr. Pose in the template folder on the left side of the application. (You will need to acquire the Mr. Pose & Friends add-on pack and install it in advance). Apply Mr. Pose by double-clicking on the thumbnail or by drag and dropping the thumbnail into the iClone 3D viewer.


Use the Pan tool (Press ‘X’ Key) to move the character into the desired position. Make sure you select the character first. Now use the Rotate tool (Press ‘E’ Key) to adjust the character to the desired angle. While the character is selected; right-click on the mouse and a menu will appear, then select Motion Menu\Edit Motion.


In the Edit Motion Layer panel that pops up, pick the body part (bone) you wish to adjust/pose.


You may toggle the bone rotation by right-clicking in the 3D viewer and then either dragging inside it, or rolling the mouse wheel to rotate the selected bone. Right-click to change the axis and drag, or roll the mouse wheel to adjust the offset position.


Adjust Lighting

For the lighting, we select the Stage tab on top and then the Light tab on the Menu Bar. Then we use the Rotate Tool (Press ‘E’ Key) and with your right or left mouse buttons, adjust the lighting in order to make Mr. Pose fit in seamlessly with the background image lighting. Make sure that your shadow angles also match those of your background.


Step 6 – Export your Scene into Targa Format

Select the Stage tab and go to 2D Background on the Menu Bar. Under the Modify Panel on the right side, go to Image Background and uncheck the ‘Active’ box. The imported background will then disappear. Remember that we brought the background image in as a reference in iClone, and not as a final piece to the Ad. Now select the Export tab, and go to the Image tab on the Menu Bar just below.


Once that is selected, go again to the Modify Panel on the right side and choose Format. Select TGA format and click on the Export button below to export your image into a Targa format. Save your Mr. Pose image file.


Step 7 – Return to Photoshop for Final Compositing

Open Photoshop and bring in the Background image we first created. Open your Mr. Pose Targa file and copy the desired area onto the Background image. Move your Mr. Pose image file into the desired position. Since we want Mr. Pose to look like he is laying back in the cup, we need to do some adjustments here. First we merge the coffee cup layer and the pouring cream layer into one. Then we use the Lasso tool to select the area where we want to cover Mr. Pose’s lower body (as seen in the illustration below).

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One response to “Create Advertisements with Posable Figurines using Photoshop and iClone4”

  1.  Avatar

    Does anyone still use iClone in 2023?

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