How to Create a Scene Above the Clouds Photo Manipulation Tutorial
How to Create a Scene Above the Clouds Photo Manipulation Tutorial

“There came a day when the clouds drifting along with the wind aroused a wanderlust in me, and I set off on a journey to roam along the seashores.” In this Photoshop Tutorial, we will learn how to create a surreal scene above clouds. First, we added clouds background, then add mountains, man, circle, and […]

5 Free Wes Anderson Inspired Film Lightroom Presets and LUTs
5 Free Wes Anderson Inspired Film Lightroom Presets and LUTs

What happens when you combine film tones with the colors from Wes Anderson's films? These presets are the results. They give your photos a film look with a hint of the cinematic colors from films such as "The Grand Budapest Hotel" (2014), "The Darjeeling Limited" (2007), "The French Dispatch" (2021), "Moonrise Kingdom" (2012), and "Rushmore" […]

10 Free Surreal Night Lightroom Presets and LUTs
10 Free Surreal Night Lightroom Presets and LUTs

Create jaw-dropping night city photos with these "Japan at Night" Lightroom presets and LUTs. Art publications have featured photographs with bright neon colors from photographers like Masashi Wakui, Liam Wong, and Davide Sasso. If you want to create your own images with this aesthetic, these "Japan at Night" presets and LUTs are a great place […]

Beginning of a Journey Photoshop Tutorial
Beginning of a Journey Photoshop Tutorial

“After an orange cloud — formed as a result of a dust storm over the Sahara and caught up by air currents — reached the Philippines and settled there with rain, I understood that we are all sailing in the same boat.” In this Photoshop tutorial, we will learn how to create a cool landscape […]

How to Create a Dreamy, Surreal Floating Photo Manipulation With Adobe Photoshop
How to Create a Dreamy, Surreal Floating Photo Manipulation With Adobe Photoshop

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a surreal piece featuring a woman floating in a dreamy room. First, we'll retouch the background and then import the grass. Later, we'll add some cobweb brushes and use the Pen Tool to draw some vines. After that, we'll use some leaves and butterflies to decorate […]

Create a Photomanipulation of Panda
Create a Photomanipulation of Panda

The giant panda's distinct black-and-white markings have two functions: camouflage and communication.  Most of the panda - its face, neck, belly, rump - is white to help it hide in snowy habitats. The arms and legs are black, helping it to hide in shade. In this Photoshop tutorial, we learn how to create a photo manipulation […]
