Jorge Bolaños is a Colombian senior graphic designer and a enthusiast photographer who loves all things that are related to art. In this interview, you will know more on how did he turn into who he is right now. Enjoy!
Could you please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re from and how you get started in the field of graphic design and photography?
My name is Jorge Bolaños, I’m from Pasto, Colombia I studied graphic design career and graduated five years ago and then I studied a diploma in digital photography. I always loved everything related to art, such as drawing, painting, photography and design, but when I learned to use digital techniques and software (several years ago) I started exploring more ways to capture what I do such as photo manipulation and combine design, photography and illustration.

What’s your opinion of the impact of the computer on photography?
My opinion about the impact of the computer on photography is that when the software image editing appear simplified and made more efficient the development processes, retouching and manipulation, previously performed in the darkroom. I think the important thing in a photograph or design is the message conveyed, the visual impact it has, the concept and it all depends of the author, the person behind the camera or computer because these are just tools for work, if you have the best camera and computer but you don’t have the knowledge and the experience to make visible your ideas, your images or your design will be crap, is better learn and then when your skills are better you can improve your tools; however I think that digital tools are more practical and efficient than analog tools.

What’s the future of photography and graphic design?
It is difficult to know what is the future of graphic design and photography but I believe will be even more important as more and more companies, people and products depend on being well received to others either competition or public and design and photography greatly influence the perception of people as it is a visual image. I also think that in the future design and photography have greater social responsibility to do these activities thinking of others, thinking in the environment, with processes that are renewable and thinking contribute to the welfare of society.
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