On a server
This is one of the most secure ways to have your images archived. Sign up for shared web hosting service and have your images stored on their servers. Instead of using their service to publish a website, you’re using their service as a backup device. With the low cost of web hosting, this method is cheap and reliable. Some web hosting companies can provide hundreds of gigabytes of disk spaces on their server for dollars a month. The reason why this is safe is that web hosting companies usually create many copies of your data onto several servers.
When choosing your web hosting, stick to a reliable and popular web host with lots of customers. Search online for reviews about the web hosting company but don’t be too picky about their uptime. Many of the largest web hosting companies has had poor uptime compared to the smaller companies, but uptime isn’t an important factor when you’re only copying your images to the server once in awhile. Choose a plan with the amount of storage space and bandwidth that fits your needs. If you’re really concerned, you can sign up for two hosting plans from different companies and backup your images on both servers.
On external drives
An external drive is a quick and easy way to create a backup from your home. But if you have RAID on your computer already, why do you need to backup again on an external drive? If your house flooded and you lost your computer, you would be glad that you have a backup somewhere else. The external drive should be stored elsewhere away from your home. Backup your images to an external hard drive and place that hard drive somewhere safe such as your bank’s safety deposit box. Their safety deposit boxes are usually fire and flood resistant and it can be rented at a low yearly rate.
Have two external hard drives. Backup your images to one drive and put that in the safety deposit box. Now, you still have another drive you can backup your files to without having to go back to the bank to retrieve your drive. This will also give you two extra copies of your images.
2 responses to “Keeping Your Photos Safe”
only one word its beautiful!!
If more people knew the facts about CDs & DVDs they would be scared to death. Almost everyone even stores those incorrectly, and just handling them with dirty hands can start an image-eating fungus “GROWING” on the discs. Portable hard drives and multiple locations says it best.
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