A Guide on Design Space in Adobe Photoshop CC 2015
A Guide on Design Space in Adobe Photoshop CC 2015

Design Space is a new feature available in Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 as a Technology Preview and although we could call it a workspace, we wouldn't be entirely correct. A replacement interface I believe would be a more appropriate term since what it does is replace your usual Photoshop interface with a more minimalist one […]

Create a Dark Spiritual Ritual Scene of a Girl in Photoshop
Create a Dark Spiritual Ritual Scene of a Girl in Photoshop

Learn how to create this dark photo manipulation of an spirit ritual in Photoshop. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to change daylight image into dark night using techniques, create a light effect, painting human hair and blending techniques that will help you create better dark scens in Photoshop. Throughout the tutorial, you'll learn techniques […]

Freebie: 5 Retro Lightroom Presets
Freebie: 5 Retro Lightroom Presets

SparkleStock Prestalgia Lite is a set of five retro Lightroom presets transform your photos from normal to nostalgic in just one click. Upgrade to the pro version for all 25 effects. Otherwise, the lite version is completely free so download and try them out today!

Learn How to Create This Very Cool Halloween-Inspired Typography in Photoshop
Learn How to Create This Very Cool Halloween-Inspired Typography in Photoshop

Inspired by Halloween, learn how to create your own Halloween-inspired typography in a few easy steps: from the drippings, splatters, shadows, highlights to the slime effect. You will also learn how to fake a 3D effect by just playing with the layers. All the drippings and splatters are made by using the brush tool + […]

Freebie: 5 Pastel Color Photoshop Actions
Freebie: 5 Pastel Color Photoshop Actions

Pastel color effects are typically used in portrait and wedding photography. With these Photoshop actions by SparkleStock, you can add these beautiful effects with just one click. They're easy to use and fast.
