Matching your documents DPI with your devices PPI for exact measurements.
Matching your documents DPI with your devices PPI for exact measurements.

3. Creating too many layers and bragging about it

Back in the days of Photoshop 7, people were actually bragging about their 100-layer PSD. It meant that a lot of effort was put into their work. Now, it just sounds like your layers are cluttered.

With fewer layers, your document is easier to understand. By making use of Smart Objects, Smart Filters, layer masks, and layer styles, you can drastically reduce the number of layers required. In fact, you can do a lot of adjustments with just a single layer. Next time you’re working on a new artwork, try creating it in as few layers as possible while keeping it fully nondestructive.

An extreme example of what can be done: this image was created from just four layers.
An extreme example of what can be done: this image was created from just four layers. See tutorial here.

4. Resizing layers without converting them to Smart Objects first

Always convert your layer into a Smart Object before you raster it. When you resize a raster layer, every additional transformation you make will degrade its quality. If you enlarge it back, it’ll appear blurry. However, when you resize on a Smart Object, you can scale it up and down as much as you like and it’ll always preserve its original image quality.

Remember to convert your layer into a Smart Object before using any Transform tools.
Remember to convert your layer into a Smart Object before using any Transform tools.

5. Using the pen tool to create masks that look like paper cutouts

Many people recommend the Pen tool for masking out objects. It’s actually a great tool for masking that won’t give you headaches (unlike the selection tools when they don’t work properly). But here’s where people are wrong. The Pen tool is only great for masking vector and 3D renders with no depth of field. For photos, it’ll give you poor results that look like you cut it out with scissors.

If you look at the pixels in a photo, you’ll never see a perfectly sharp edge everywhere. Instead, you’ll see that they have sharper edges where it’s focused and softer edge where it’s not. With the selection tools, you can use the Refine Edge tool and simply turn on the Smart Radius setting to automatically account for the varying edge sharpness.

The selection tools work better than the Pen tool for photos.
The selection tools work better than the Pen tool for photos. Image from DollarPhotoClub.

6. Desaturating to create flat and boring B&W photos

Desaturating your photo may be the quickest way to make a B&W photo, but it’ll always look flat. Instead, use the Black & White or Channel Mixer adjustment layers. There are many ways to convert photos into B&W and those adjustment layers will give you better control and better results.

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12 responses to “Don’t Make These 10 Photoshop Mistakes”

  1. Manish Avatar

    Did anyone find number 9 :P

  2. Paul Da III Avatar
    Paul Da III

    No. 8 is so me. That’s me right there!! lol

    1. Kagami yagami Avatar
      Kagami yagami

      Hahahha what a fool. but youre a very good at it!

  3. Parijat Avatar

    Nice Tips ..

  4. Karel jan Avatar
    Karel jan

    AMD gpu is better for photoshop.

  5. morteza gharibi Avatar
    morteza gharibi


    جالب بود

    گرامی سپاس

  6. Sarabjit Kaur Avatar
    Sarabjit Kaur

    Saalim Mohammad

  7. Rashed Sami Rïyäñ Avatar
    Rashed Sami Rïyäñ

    i know (Y) that

  8. Rona Emerie Avatar
    Rona Emerie

    Il y a une probleme au niveau du bras (je fais du gfx)

  9. Daniel Racjan Avatar
    Daniel Racjan

    Traktowanie WINDOWSA :p

  10. Bharti Rc Avatar
    Bharti Rc


  11. Ýøg Nègï Avatar
    Ýøg Nègï


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