Add a layer mask to one of these layers (when make one layer simply duplicate the layer mask to the second layer) and used Brush tool (B) to remove effect from the center of image. Combine layers with lightning in one group “lightning”.

Step 28
Begin to create the effect of radiation on the edges of image. Create a new layer under group “lightning”. Fill layer white color ( press D to set the default color. Then Cmd/Ctrl + Del to Fill). Convert this layer for Smart Filters (Filter > Convert for Smart Filters).

“Convert for Smart Filters” are very useful in work. Especially when you are experimenting with effects. You can edit settings applied effects.
Step 29
First add Fibers to create a texture in the form of strips, so the future texture will look more interesting. Go to Filter > Render > Fibers… Make settings like shown in the image. You can select a different combination by pressing “Randomize” (settings will not change).

Now noise. I decided that the noise would go well with the outside atmosphere and simulated noise and radiation. Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise… Make settings like shown in the image.

Step 30
Do not worry, that everything is covered with texture. Change the blending mode to “Overlay”, set Opacity: 60%.

Add a layer mask to this layer and used Brush tool (B) to remove effect, leaving it only at the edges of the image.

Step 31
Duplicate this layer (Cmd /Ctrl+ J) and change Opacity to 62%.

Repeat steps 4 and 5 for first texture layer to create 3-D effect on texture. So it looks more interesting.
Step 32
I decided to add more noise at the edges of the image to make sealing texture. Create a new layer below the layers with the texture. Use a soft brush with Size: 500px and white paint over the edges of the image.

Convert this layer for Smart Filters (Filter > Convert for Smart Filters). Add a filter “Add Noise” (Filter > Noise > Add Noise… ). Set the settings as shown in the figure. Be sure to set the checkbox to “Monochromatic” to make noise in black and white.

Set Opacity: 70% and Blending mode “Darken”. So that the noise appeared and became not so sharp.
13 responses to “Omega – Create this Abstract Composite Using Only Three Resources”
where is the material??
where is the material?
amazing ideas and creativity
Absolutely beautiful works.. This is what called “Creativity”.
i really love this website!
thank you Maria Semelevich
Vry nyc
Thank you veru much! I am very pleased! :) I hope it will be helpful to you!
Thank you veru much! I am very pleased! :) I hope it will be helpful to you!
Thank you veru much! I am very pleased! :) I hope it will be helpful to you!
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