Step 6

Add a Layer mask to this layer. Take a Brush Tool (B) with there settings: Size: 500px, Hardness: 0%, Opacity: 100% (Click D then X on keyboard to set background color to Black). Edge of the brush, remove effect from shaft.


Step 7

Time to add the spheres. In the resource that you have downloaded the 15 kinds of spheres. You can choose what you like. I used “tester sphere3” I liked it because of the interesting shape and unusual textures. Resembles a ball of energy or substance that changes its form. Go to File > Place and select the image “tester sphere3” in folder “3D_sphere_renders_by_in_the_skies”. Do not worry about the format “TARGA (.tga)”. Photoshop fully realizes its.

Resize the layer like shown in the image (Ctrl/Cmd+ T or Edit > Free Transform). Place the sphere inside the shaft, (place it in the center, and then lift up a little).


Step 8

Select a Magic Wand Tool (W) and click on white background of sphere. Then Invert selection (the short keys Cmd /Ctrl+ Shift + I). Selected to become a sphere, and not background. Add a Layer Mask to remove background.


Step 9

Duplicate sphere layer once (use the short key Cmd /Ctrl+ J or Layer > Duplicate Layer). Change a Blending mode to “Linear Dodge (Add)”. This layer helps to give shiny effect to the sphere and make texture more “live”.


Step 10

Back to the first sphere to create a small spheres. To make this easier, use a Move Tool (V) + hold Option/Alt. Drag the the sphere to the right place. So you can quickly duplicate the sphere and work with them.

To resize spheres use Free Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd+ T or Edit > Free Transform). Reduce the size of spheres depending on the close to floor. Rotate the sphere so that the lightest part is directed towards the central sphere.


So I endeared sphere. You can try to make your own version and arrange them differently. To make the picture a little more interesting, I made a double sphere.


Step 11

Merge all layers with the spheres (select layers and use Cmd /Ctrl+ E or Layer > Merge Layers…) except a central sphere and its additional layer.

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13 responses to “Omega – Create this Abstract Composite Using Only Three Resources”

  1.  Avatar

    where is the material??

  2.  Avatar

    where is the material?

  3. revon Avatar

    amazing ideas and creativity

  4. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Absolutely beautiful works.. This is what called “Creativity”.

  5. reynold tolero Avatar
    reynold tolero

    i really love this website!

  6. Ppi Suthep Avatar
    Ppi Suthep

    thank you Maria Semelevich

  7. Salman Ibrahim Avatar
    Salman Ibrahim

    Vry nyc

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Thank you veru much! I am very pleased! :) I hope it will be helpful to you!

  8. Ppi Suthep Avatar
    Ppi Suthep


    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Thank you veru much! I am very pleased! :) I hope it will be helpful to you!

  9. Ery Subekti Avatar
    Ery Subekti


    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Thank you veru much! I am very pleased! :) I hope it will be helpful to you!

    2. friday Avatar


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