Step 33

I combined all the layers of noise in one group and add a layer mask to clean it up a bit from the edges of the image. Be sure to set Opacity for this group to 80%.


Step 34

I darkened edge of the image to show the texture of the noise. Create a new layer. It should be the top of all groups. Set Opacity to this layer 30%. Use a soft brush and draw like shown in the image. Use Black color (#000000).


Step 35

Now I offer you two options for toning images. I like both and I suggest you choose the one you like more. The first option we look color version. This is a small correction and color balance with increased contrast. In a dark version changes the color scheme of the image, its contrast and brightness (to create a darker version, go to Step 39). These layers must be above the all the other layers.


Now we consider the color version. I add four adjustment layers. The first adjustment layer is “Curves” (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves…). This layer darkens the picture, which gives a little contrast.


Step 36

Next adjustment layer is “Color Balance” (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Color Balance…). I decided to add a little blue to highlight lightning. Also, to enhance the illumination from the central sphere.


Step 37

Next adjustment layer is “Hue/Saturation” (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation…). This layer I was a little discolored, image and darkened it. Because our scene happens indoors. So you need to match the event tinting.


Step 38

Last adjustment layer is “Curves”. This layer I balanced tone to achieve optimal color of image.


That’s how the layers are arranged and the image looks after applying adjustment layers for Color version.


Step 39

Now let’s consider the second option toning image. It will be a darker version. Here adjustment layers will be a little more. These layers can not be imposed on the previous version. Start creating tinted from the place where we finished darken the edges of the image (Step 34).


The first adjustment layer is “Curves”. I replaced the light tone gray to get a darker image, because bright colors will appear and result will be is strongly overexposed.

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13 responses to “Omega – Create this Abstract Composite Using Only Three Resources”

  1.  Avatar

    where is the material??

  2.  Avatar

    where is the material?

  3. revon Avatar

    amazing ideas and creativity

  4. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Absolutely beautiful works.. This is what called “Creativity”.

  5. reynold tolero Avatar
    reynold tolero

    i really love this website!

  6. Ppi Suthep Avatar
    Ppi Suthep

    thank you Maria Semelevich

  7. Salman Ibrahim Avatar
    Salman Ibrahim

    Vry nyc

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Thank you veru much! I am very pleased! :) I hope it will be helpful to you!

  8. Ppi Suthep Avatar
    Ppi Suthep


    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Thank you veru much! I am very pleased! :) I hope it will be helpful to you!

  9. Ery Subekti Avatar
    Ery Subekti


    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Thank you veru much! I am very pleased! :) I hope it will be helpful to you!

    2. friday Avatar


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