Step 31
Create a new layer and use the colors #749ce1 and #d263a7 to spot around the model. Change this layer mode to Soft Light 100% to give this area more color. Use a layer mask to reduce the effect to make it more subtle.
Step 32
Make a new layer, use a soft brush with the color #c3a7be to paint on the lower of the hair. Alter this layer mode to Hard Light 100%.
On another layer , use a soft brush with the color #f5e9ee to paint on the flowers below the model. Change this layer mode to Overlay 100%.
Step 33
Open the flowers 3 image and take the flower you like (I’ve chosen a purple one) to add above the model’s cheek. Use the Liquify Tool to tweak it a bit as shown below (don’t overdo it to keep its natural shape). Add a mask to this layer and remove the big twisted petals .
Step 34
Add this flower again from the original image to the model.’s head and eye. Use the Liquify Tool to tweak it into different forms. Use layer masks to reduce their visibility to match the softness of this area.
Step 35
Create a group for these flower layers and use a Curves adjustment layer to decrease the contrast of the flowers. Paint on the flower on the eye as it’s soft enough.
Step 36
Make a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to desaturate the flowers.
Step 37
Open the light images pack. Use the image 4 to add to the model’s face. and change this layer mode to Screen 100%. Add a mask to this layer to erase the light part covered the model’s face.
Step 38
Duplicate this layer twice and tweak them using the Liquify Tool. Place them below the model and use a layer mask to erase most of these parts, leave the highlight inside visible on the flowers 2.
Step 39
Duplicate this layer several times to add more light and decoration to the hair, especially make the one look like horns and add them to the top of the forehead.
Step 40
Create a Levels adjustment layer for the one on top of the head to remove its unwanted edges.
Step 41
Continue tweaking the light into the shapes below and change the mode to Screen 100%. Duplicate it several times to add around the model. Add a mask to each of these layers to decrease their visibility.
7 responses to “Photoshop Tutorial: Create a Glowing Cyberpunk Portrait with Light Streaks”
excellent work. I salute your creativity
We need videos pls
Oh, fun! LOL Thank you!
easy dubs go crazy go stupid
please my photoshop cc didnt have portraiture please how can i make my image smooth and clear
Nice one.
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