What’s New in Photoshop CC 2019
Photoshop CC 2019 brings you the new Frame tool, Content-Aware Fill workspace, and Symmetry Mode for the brush tool. There’s also a heck lot of small improvements. This video by Denny’s Tips will show you everything you need to know about the new Photoshop CC 2019 update.
What’s the Difference Between Lightroom Profiles and Presets?
Lightroom profiles are better than presets, but there are some things you should know. Profiles solve significant problems with presets – many that could not be solved without introducing something new. In this post, you’ll learn the difference between profiles and presets and why profiles are the future. Although this is about Lightroom, the same…
How to Create Selections Automatically with Photoshop’s “Select Subject” Tool
There’s an amazing new tool for creating selections, cutting out objects, and removing backgrounds in Photoshop. It’s called Select Subject and it can automatically create selections using the power of AI and machine learning. In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to use remove backgrounds using Select Subject, the limitations of this tool, and also…
4 Useful Ways to Use Perspective Warp
The Perspective Warp tool is almost like magic. It lets you change the perspective in your image and can be used to rotate buildings and objects, make telephoto shots look like wide angle shots, and quickly straighten multiple objects in less than a minute. Read this tutorial and find out four useful ways to use…
Creating Multiple Banner Ads Layout Using Artboard in Photoshop CC 2015
One of Photoshop CC 2015 new feature is more or less the same with Illustrator artboard, allowing us to create multiple pages within one document. But Photoshop’s artboard is more flexible because we can freely change the arboard size and position. Now we can be more productive, because we are able to create multiple design…
How to Edit Thousands of Images at Once in Photoshop with Batch Processing
Don’t waste your time doing the same thing over and over in Photoshop. This tutorial will show you how to apply the same editing to thousands of images at once in Photoshop using your own Actions with the Batch automation. You’ll learn how to create a basic Photoshop Action and learn how to run it…