
I used Color Balance to match the deer colors with the rest:feeling10a

Step 11

It’s time for Illustrator. Open it up and create a new document with the settings below:


Use the Ellipse Tool (L) to draw a circle with the color #716E72 (remember to make the fill color to None), set the stroke to 8 pt:


Hold down the Alt key and drag this layer up to duplicate it. Use the Free Transform Tool (E) to scale it down a little and place it in the middle. Change the stroke color to a darker one (I chose #3E3D3F):


Duplicate the first circle and resize it to be smaller, put it inside the previous ones: feeling11c

Draw a circle with the fill set to black and stroke to None and place it in the center of the previous circles


Select all the layers, go to Object > Blend > Blend Options:


Go to Blend again, choose Make (Alt/Option+Ctrl/Cmd +B) and you should have a similar result below:feeling11f

Press F5 to open the brush panel and click the brush panel options, choose Open Brush Library > Artistic > Artistic_Ink, choose Dry Ink 2:


Save it as an EPS file for the future use.

Step 12

Come back to Photoshop. Browse the circle file and rasterize it with the settings below:


Drag this circle into our main document, place it under the deer group.feeling12a

Change this layer mode to Linear Burn 100%:


Add a mask to this layer. Take a splatter brush (I chose the number 187) and press F5 to change this brush settings:


Use this brush to erase the circle stroke to get a grunge effect:feeling12d

Duplicate this layer and place it above the deer group. Move it onto the deer head and use a layer mask with the same brush to get a similar result below:


Step 13

Open the forest image. Use the Retangular Marquee Tool (M) to choose a forest part and place it behind the model. Set this layer under the model layer and above the deer group:


Change this layer mode to Soft Light 100% and use the same splatter brush to mask off the edges :feeling13a

Take another forest part and place it above the model layer, change the mode to Overlay 100%:feeling13b

Add a mask to this layer and use the same splatter brush to clear the edges and unwanted parts, leave the effect visible on the model:

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5 responses to “Composite a Modern Matte Portrait in Photoshop”

  1. Pierre Giraud Avatar
    Pierre Giraud

    Beautiful ;)

  2. Scott Avatar

    I don’t fully understand step 7? Pls help!

    1.  Avatar

      The tutorial is fine for the most part but I’m astonished that the author can get away with such laziness. The point of a tutorial is to teach you _how_ not what you did.

      Let me help you:
      Add a Curves layer (from the adjustments panel). Add a point in the middle of the line and drag it down. This will darken it. OR…. add a Brightness/Contrast layer instead of Curves. No reason to use curves for something this basic.

      Click on the layer mask thumbnail in the layers panel. Use the Brush tool (b) and then right-click on the document and pick a round brush with a hardness of 0-50%. Set your foreground color to black and then paint over the areas that you want to brighten back up.

  3. Kawku Junior Avatar
    Kawku Junior

    where can i get some of your tutorials, pls am a graphic designer and i want to learn more. pls help

  4. Mohamad Suhail Avatar
    Mohamad Suhail

    Pls help send. Autocad 2d tutorials.

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