The result should be similar to the image below:

Next, activate the Transform tool again (Ctrl/Cmd +T), and then right click on the canvas to bring up the contextual menu. Once open, click on “Warp”.
When activated follow the instructions below:

The result should be similar to the following:

Now, we would need to adjust the road’s Color Balance to make it blend with the next series of images. Select the image and go to Image > Adjustments
- Color Levels: -24, -12, 0
- Tone Balance: Midtones
- Preserve Luminosity: Check

The result:

Step 3: Create the Sky
Now, we will proceed to creating the sky. First, let’s open the image “Canim Lake 4”. We’re going to use the sky of this image because it blends well with our road. To transfer this sky to our canvas, first activate the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M).

To use this tool and select the sky, simply point and drag the mouse from one point to another. See image below:

When you’re done, activate the Move tool (V) and drag the selected part of the image to the canvas. Before positioning make sure that this layer is on top of the “road” and Color Balance layer. Position it as shown on the image below:

Finally, rename this layer to “sky”.
Step 4: Create the Background
In this step, we’re going to create light and darken some areas – to make it short we’re going to make our background seamless, like it was just one photo.
First, let’s select the “road” layer and then activate the Burn tool by pressing O on your keyboard. Why did we activate the Burn tool? – Because this tool “burns” or darkens areas in an image.

First, let’s select the “road” layer and then activate the Burn tool by pressing O on your keyboard. Why did we activate the Burn tool? – Because this tool “burns” or darkens areas in an image. Now, once it is activated, input the following settings:
- Brush size: 100px
- Hardness: 0%
- Range: Midtones
- Exposure: 15%

Now, let’s start “burning” the “road” layer.

The result:

Next, let’s create some light! Activate the Brush tool (B) and then make sure that the brushes are the default brushes. To make them the default brushes, simply right-click on the canvas while the Brush tool is activated and then click on the drop-down button to show the contextual menu. Once open – click on “Reset brushes”.
5 responses to “Create a Mysterious and Eerie Surreal Image in Photoshop”
These instructions are huge and I appreciate how detailed they are. Thank you for sharing. :)
This is an oldie! LOL I think I’ll give it a go! Thank you!!
It is. We have a lot of tutorials that are still good but just need a bit of update/fixes with the resource links :)
i love photoshop
nice work
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