Step 25
Make a new layer below PROTECT and name it SHADOW_TEXT. Change blending option to Multiply.
Then choose BRUSH TOOL , opacity 20-30% like this setting.
Use your imagination to draw the shadow of the text on the rock cliff.

Step 26
The shadow will goes like this…

Step 27
Now create another layer below SHADOW_TEXT ; name it BLENDING_TEXT , setting as below.
Use the brush again, but this time choose green color like below , you can also pick the color from the text.
Now draw around the text – there is always color blending between objects and background. The rock cliff will reflect the color of the text.

Step 28
If you did right, you will have this. You could change opacity of BLENDING layer and SHADOW layer to have right effect.

Step 29
Now open Flor_Frames (4).jpg in new file. Press CTRL + A > CTRL + X > CTRL + V and you will have this.

Step 30
Pick your foreground color is white. Then Select> Color Range > Just click OK

Step 31
Color range will select all the white space in the image for you. Press delete to get rid of this.

Step 32
Done. But there are some white space isn’t selected so they are not deleted.

Step 33
If you have CS5 , cool! You have a magical tool here : Magic Eraser Tool. Just use it to delete all the leftover.

Step 34
A little time and you will have this clean image!

Step 35
Then just copy it to our file, then name the layer “LEAF”.

Step 36
Please make the back up by duplicate ( CTRL + J ) the layer.
We will need a lot of back ups this time. I will show you later.

Step 37
Next , open Flor_Frames (3).jpg in new file. And delete the background just like above.( color range then use Magic Eraser Tool )

Step 38
… And you have this!

Step 39
Do the same thing as above. Paste it in our file , then name it LEAF 2 , and also make back up – lots of it .

Step 40
Now we come to the important part. We will make leaves grow around the text.
Pick a layer LEAF 2 (you must already have a couple back ups of this layer )
Then use CTRL + T to transform , scale , rotate , move your leaves until you find the part compatible with the scene. These actions need lots of your imagination so try hard.
7 responses to “Create a Nature Text Effect Poster in Photoshop”
Hello There,
Thanks for taking out your time and create this awesome step by step tutorial of Natural Poster.
Definitely good to use your tips in my new poster design -
How to restore image after fixed?
Chomir Ali I want delete sun image what to be made by effect
Thanks for this tutorials…really helpful
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