Step 24

Place the remaining fragments as I placed them. You need not all like me. Always coming up with something new!

Step 25

Now add a little flying card. To do this, go to File > Place and Select desired file.

Step 26

Create a new group. Name it « Small cards» move and added a little card there.

Step 27

Duplicate cards 10 times.


Step 28

Reduce card clicking hitting the short keys Ctrl+ T

Step 29

Add a layer mask to each layer and remove unwanted parts. Select tool “brush” and use the settings as shown in the figure. Press D and set black. Next, remove the unnecessary parts flying bridge card.

Step 30

Now select all three groups with all the cards and add to group hitting the short keys Ctrl+ G. Hold down Ctrl select the layer mask way and the drag it to the new group with all other. Take the brush and remove unwanted parts flying bridges on the mask.

Step 31

I like the result! Now Let’s give our unusual work. I temporarily closed layers with flying and small cards. Therefore, it will be free to work. In order temporarily, make the invisible, click on the eye icon next to the desired group.

I want to add flying umbrellas and fans. To do this, download the Graphics umbrellas and fans. Open the picture with umbrellas and fans hitting the short keys Ctrl+ O and choose the desired image.

Step 32

Take Quick selection tool and circle the desired umbrella. For my work, I took black and red umbrellas. Once umbrella allocated, copy it hitting the short keys Ctrl+ C or follow in Edit > Copy.

Step 33

Click on the tab with our installation and create a new group. Call it “umbrellas and fans” Create another group within the group. Call it “black umbrellas”. Paste the copied image of the umbrella hitting the short keys Ctrl+ V.

Step 34

Duplicate umbrella 3 times.

Step 35

Transform the umbrella hitting the short keys Ctrl+ T to the desired size and move it to the desired location. To apply the changes, click Enter.

Step 36

Move the remaining umbrellas as shown and reduce each umbrella.

Step 37

Now we proceed a red umbrella. Select the desired us an umbrella, using Quick Selection Tool hotkey W. Copy it hitting the short keys Ctrl+ C.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

43 responses to “Create a Photo Manipulation of Alice in Wonderland”

  1. Themba Avatar


  2.  Avatar

    I want to edit like Alice creat

  3.  Avatar


  4. Chris Avatar

    hei i love your work its fantastic it gives me the oppotunity to learn Photoshop. any who based on your work how would you analyze the creation in terms of color harmony or its balance or the principle of art or its design

  5. LS Avatar

    Great Tutorial thank you!
    But some of the Pictures seem to be broken. :-/

  6. Marcinho Willians Siviero Avatar
    Marcinho Willians Siviero

    Awesome! The best photoshop tut page of the world! Thanks

  7. Ron Arnold Avatar
    Ron Arnold

    Thank you , i had a few problems here and there im still a noob i used my daughter for the model

  8. Jess Avatar

    I followed this tutorial and it turned out amazing! Thank you so much for this <3

  9. stuti Avatar

    Thanks , a great help

  10.  Avatar

    she and ‘very good and very clear explanations … congratulations

  11.  Avatar

    Great tutorial and fun image. Thank you.

  12. zineddine Avatar

    thank you, it s fantastique.

  13. PaulK Avatar

    How do you get the clouds above the cards please?

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      To make it you need add a Layer Mask ( Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All or use button on Layer panel) to cards layer and use Brush tool (B) (I use soft round brush ) remove necessary pieces of cards in accordance with the relief of the clouds. That’s all.

  14. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Thank you for the great tutorial! It has been very helpful to see a few techniques in action.

  15. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Absolutely beautiful works.. This is what called “Creativity”.

  16. ICANTDODIS Avatar


  17. sam Avatar

    awesome tutorial! THANKS!!! I learned so much.

  18. Phước Hưng Avatar
    Phước Hưng

    Thanks very much!! I love this ;)

  19. Marc Avatar

    Otzien harasho! Dobraya rabota! spasiba

  20. Chari Ross Avatar
    Chari Ross

    Nice tutorial!

  21. Rajni Setia Avatar
    Rajni Setia

    Very nice tutorial

  22. subhash Avatar


  23. subhash Avatar

    no comment

  24.  Avatar

    Very easy to follow-thank you!

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Thank you very much! I am very pleased!
      I tried to make a simple tutorial. So that everyone could repeat it and understand a little bit with the possibilities of Photoshop.

  25.  Avatar

    This is beautiful it that you made by photo shop, i want to learn though you sir i request you please would you teach me like profession.

  26.  Avatar

    thanks for the tip really need it ^_^

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Thank you very much! I am very pleased to hear that!
      The work was great, but I hope useful.Soon in this site will still be my tutorial. Invite view them :)
      Thanks for the great review!

  27. Mike Anetsberger Avatar
    Mike Anetsberger

    I finished this project 2 Days ago! I have to say this has really helped me get back into photoshop, I haven’t used it in over 5-6 years so this taught me QUITE A BIT!
    Heres my final result! It could use a few touchups but let me know what you think :) Thanks Again!

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Oh! I am very glad that you came in handy and helped my lesson to refresh your knowledge and skills. It’s okay that you did this painting for 2 days. It’s so much that immediately and not make out :) I watched your work and I liked it! The only thing that can remove a little shadow on the model in the area of ​​contact between the legs and maps. Make a little not brighter. In general, I liked it! Thank you very much for your beautiful work, patience and good comment. I am very pleased! Once again thank you very much!

  28. Mike Avatar

    NVM! i figured it out! I hadn’t downloaded the High-Rez version of the resources

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      I’m glad you’re paying attention to quality. Try in the future to download all the resources in good quality. Remember, in the transformation of Object in Photoshop, the picture may be of poor quality, if it is to stretch very much. Good luck in the works!

  29. Mike Avatar

    Hello! I just have a question :)
    When I stretch the initial Sky/cloud resource it becomes extremely pixelated is this normal? Its really blocky so I’m not sure if im doing something wrong or not haha
    Any advice would be great! Thanks :)

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Hi! It is normal to become pixel photo and loses its quality. You add the image as a smart object so the quality after transforming back. I hope you could do it! Good luck to you! Have questions, please write. I’m happy to answer them!

  30. Chad Avatar

    Impressive work

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Thank you ever so much!

  31. Henderson Avatar

    This is the best photoshop tutorial

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Thank you very much! I am very pleased to hear that!
      Thanks for the great review!

  32. Chinh DV Avatar
    Chinh DV

    Thanks u so much :x

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      You’re very welcome! I hope this tutorial will be useful for you. Thanks for the comment!

  33. Clarence Sophus Avatar
    Clarence Sophus

    You’re awesome, thank you
    I share

    1. Maria Semelevich Avatar
      Maria Semelevich

      Thank you very much! I am very pleased to hear that! I hope that this lesson will be useful for you and will bring a lot of fun!

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