Here’s what our image looks like so far.

Step 11 – Add abstract colors to the background

Create a new layer above the clouds layer then set the blending mode to color. Now we can paint in this layer with any color and it will only affect the color of the layers below.

In the swatches palette (Window > Swatches), click on the menu then choose any one of the PANTONE CMYK swatches.

Now you have the yellow, magenta, and cyan colors easily accessible form your swatches palette.

Select the brush tool. On the option bar at the top, you can select the brush size, hardness, and opacity. I recommend starting with a 50% opacity to paint.

Select any of the first three colors in the swatches palette then begin painting.

You can overlap two colors to create other colors such as teal. Remember that you can adjust the size, hardness, and opacity of your brush for different results. Here is what we ended up with and how we got the results.

Step 12 – Add a swirling beam of light

Create a new layer inside a new group. This group will be used to store all the special effects we’ll be adding on later. Select Group 1 then click on the new group button to create a new group above it. Then, click on the new layer button to add a new layer inside Group 2.

Select the pen tool then apply the settings in the option bar as shown in the image below.

Create a curved path similar to the image below.

Select the brush tool and adjust the settings. Use the settings as shown below but adjust the master diameter setting to change the size of the brush. The size of this brush will determine the thickness of the beam of light. We used a brush size of 30 px on the high resolution file used for this tutorial. But if you are working on a low resolution file (ex. 800 x 600 pixels), then you should use a smaller brush size such as 7 pixels.

Make sure that you have the new layer in Group 2 selected. In the paths palette (Window > Paths), right click on the work path then choose stroke path.

In the stroke path dialog, select brush from the drop down menu and enable simulate pressure.

This is what our image looks like so far with the swirling beam of light. However, it doesn’t look like it is swirling around the model. In the next step, we’ll mask out certain areas to make it look like it is swirling around the model.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

21 responses to “Dazzling Dance Photo Manipulation”

  1. Myat Thu Avatar
    Myat Thu

    Thanks alot.

  2. Sylvester Avatar

    Thankz for the sharing ….that’s great ..anyway does it have a video?

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Staff Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Staff

      Yes it does. You can find the Photoshop tutorial here:

  3. Sourav Mandal Avatar
    Sourav Mandal

    I am having trouble in the step7. I am following your instructions but my photo remains back of the cloud.
    Please help me as soon as possible.
    Thank you for such nice share.

  4.  Avatar

    cool piece

  5. Ali Avatar

    My Stoke Path Is Not Enabled.Why?

  6. Annoynames Avatar


  7. Dave Avatar

    Excellent tutorial. I love your imagination and creativity. The use of the Gun Shot was an outstanding touch!!

  8.  Avatar

    thank u……..

  9. Terry Thone Avatar
    Terry Thone

    Job well done! Thanks for being willing to post this.

  10. Nanda Avatar

    Phaaaaaaaaaaaa…………. nice

  11. arun Avatar

    wonder full

  12. amna Avatar

    I love your work! thanksalot! we want more

  13. sreenu Avatar

    Thanks a lot for the tutorial

  14. Miguel Aldemar peñaloza Avatar
    Miguel Aldemar peñaloza

    quisiera que mi hicieras el favor de darme un link para descargar ese programa….

  15. Rodrigo Avatar

    This is incredible! Thanks a lot for the tutorial

  16. zayyakhan Avatar

    Send Me the glass Picture If you see my comment…….ALso Thanks

  17. KEITH T MAXWELL Avatar

    a bit hard to follow but great help besides im still a no0b at this stuff

  18. padma Avatar

    This is a wonderful tutorial i came to know through my client. thanks for posting this

  19. LeRoSkyBoy Avatar

    Thank you very much . :)
    This is awesome .

  20. Sofyan Avatar

    it’s a really great image i love it n the tutorial is even better, thx alot i really needed to know how to work something like this, keep it up

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