Step 27 (Adding Cloud)
Hit Shift+Ctrl+Alt+E to stamp all visible layers to create a new single layer. Then, go to filter > other > high pass. Set 2% for its radius. I named this layer high pass. Take brush tool, set it to low opacity about 10-12%. With white color, paint some cloud and lines on the hills. Finally, set this layer to overlay at 100% opacity.

Here is the final composition I created after I add more cloud in front of the moon:

Step 28
Create a new layer. Paint soft black gradation color around the edge of the scene. Use soft brush to do this purpose. Erase some part of the black gradation on the twigs, grass and little bird on the right. Set it to normal and reduce its opacity to 40%.

Step 29 (Setting Overal mode)
Again, create another new layer. Paint some color on this new layer as shown in the illustration below. Set this layer to overlay at 100% opacity.

Now create again a new layer. Fill this layer (Shift+F5) with blue. Mask parts of this blue layer on the main birds and edge of the tree. Set this layer to overlay at 40% opacity.

Create one more new layer on which we will paint gradation color of #f87e02. Set this layer to overlay at low opacity (13%). Finally, to finish this work, go to layer > new adjustment layer > levels. Just simply click Auto for the levels.

Final Results
![final result[1] final result[1]](https://cdn.photoshoptutorials.ws/images/stories/6c58f168073e_1375F/final-result1.jpg?strip=all&lossy=1&webp=82&avif=82&w=1920&ssl=1)
Download the PSD
Tutorial by Dek Wid
46 responses to “How to Paint a Lovely Pair of Birds in Photoshop”
please update the files
love it thank’s
super dicas
very cool
anyone else love tips as much as me
the files need to be updated the textur file is no longer there
I just finished it. I’m happy enough with my version. Thanks.
wow … great tutorial
These are amazing. Super creative and imaginative and all things that are good.
Do You have video tutorial of this post????
This is really a outstanding work. I just loved it. Thanks :)
Awesome! Nice and clean, very creative Photoshop tutorial thank for sharing.
It’s a Fantastic Work!Thanks a million.
awesome man :)
i realy love this photoshop, and one thing more whoever did this , he was genus
This tutorial once again proves what can be done when the versatility and power of Photoshop and the creativity of the human brain join forces. Great job! All of that splendor created with one umbrella………….Who would have imagined. The best part is that only basic tools were used to create the wonderful work of art. Adobe Instructors should use tutorials like this to illustrate what the tools are capable of………..Amazing. I love photoshop even more.
nice but so …….
man tat was Highly Creative\m/
What a wonderful tutorial you made… amazing
Dek Wid, Really nice this is something new technique to draw objects for me. keep your good work.
Genius would be an understatement for this tutorial
Your work is awesome…. i love the way u use elements…. got brains :)
This is amazing and I really like your trick. Very clever!Thank you!!
realy gr8………………
suprbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb -
Lakse mi je nacrtat sve pa onda ici dalje,izgubih vrijeme trazeci alat!
das coo
Mr.Dek Iam very happy to visit your site because I got new ideas from your wonderful work. so thank you, thank you very much. please continue tutorials like this.
Most tutorials on this site feel like it’s basically the same techniques over and over again (no offense to the guys who write these)
But this was really creative, great! I wish I would come up with ideas like that :) Thumbs up
you are amazinggg
Great….I really like your trick.
Wow! Not only is it the artwork nice, but how do did it with an umbrella picture. So creative. I wish I mastered Photoshop like that.
Wow! I jst love the creativity. Inspiring
i really love this photoshop, and one thing more whoever did this , he was genuse.
A bird from an umbrella? Would would have thought of that! Brilliant!!
This is brilliant conceptually, and I love how everything’s from an umbrella. Beautiful.
very good…
Thank you!! This is amazing and I really like your trick. Very clever!
funny concept… :)
i liked the umbrella twisting part. Really a creative one. Just got messed up in the last step. Great one indeed.
very good tutorial!
Good job Dek! This is a very good tutorial!
w0w! i really like the way you use that umbrella and the color blending is awesome too.
Thanks for this great tutorial.
Keep up the good work!
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