How to Create a Breathtaking Christmas Artwork in Photoshop

How to Create a Breathtaking Christmas Artwork in Photoshop
How to Create a Breathtaking Christmas Artwork in Photoshop

The result:


Step 31

Next, we will reduce the "man's" Opacity to make it blend well with the images. Reduce it to the following: 40%


The result:


Step 32

Now, let's create the man's shadow. Let's start by duplicating the "man" by pressing Ctrl/Cmd + J. Once duplicated, click on the duplicated layer and then activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd + T) and then right click on the canvas to activate the contextual menu; on the contextual menu click on Flip Vertical.


Now, the duplicated layer should be flipped vertical.


Step 33

Next, we will turn the duplicated layer into a real shadow. To do that, select the duplicated "man" layer and then go to Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast and then input the following:

  • Brightness: -100
  • Contrast: -100
  • Use Legacy: Check

The result:


Step 34

Next, let's blur the shadow a little. To do that, select the duplicated "man" layer and then go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Set the Radius to 2 pixels then click OK.


The result:


Step 35

Next, let's adjust the shadow's shape according to the light from the Christmas tree. Activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd + T) and then right click on the canvas to open the contextual menu, on the menu, click on Distort.


Now, let's distort the shadow.


The result:


Step 36

Next, change the layer opacity of the duplicated man's layer to 15%


The result:


Step 37

Now, that we're done, select all the layers from Step 5 and 6 and then group the layers (Ctrl/Cmd + G). Name the group to "Man". In this step, we will learn how to create a vignette which will help enhance the focus on our subject. To start, go to the Menu bar and click on File > New and use the same settings we used to create our canvas. (Refer to Step 1). Take note, the background contents should be: WHITE. Once it has been created, go to Filter > Distort > Lens Correction. Find the tab Vignette and use these settings:

  • Vignette amount: -100
  • Midpoint: +50

Step 38

Now that that's done drag the vignette to our canvas using the Move tool (V) and put it on top of all the layers that we've created, and then set the following:

  • Blending mode: Multiply
  • Opacity to 40%

To set the blending mode, simply click on the drop-down menu beside the word "Normal" on the top part of the Layer window. The Opacity is located just beside that drop-down menu as well. See image below:

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11 comments on “How to Create a Breathtaking Christmas Artwork in Photoshop”

  1. At step 8, "Change the Blending mode of "sky 2" to Soft Light" but you changed it to Overlay..

    Well, which one is it sir?

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