
Now, when the Gradient Map box opens, do the following as shown on the images below:


Step 49

You’ll notice that your image is now Black and White, so let’s change the Blending mode and Opacity to the following:

  • Blending mode: Luminosity
  • Opacity: 60%

The result should be similar to this:


Final Results

Download the PSD

Tutorial by Michael Vincent Manalo

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone! I hope this tutorial will help you in creating an artwork to amaze family/friends in this yuletide season. Thank you for visiting this page and using my tutorial, if you want to see more of my art works, give me a shout at my website:

– Michael Vincent Manalo

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11 responses to “How to Create a Breathtaking Christmas Artwork in Photoshop”

  1. samantha Avatar

    i agree that they are almost the same i think the overlay is a little darker than soft light

  2. Bongumusa Avatar

    Intgihss like this liven things up around here.

  3. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Awesome resources.Huge collection.Great job.Very useful post.Thanks for sharing.

    1. Nurin Avatar

      That’s a shrewd answer to a tricky qutiosen

  4. Anna Avatar

    i cant download the snow feild????

  5. Gabriela Avatar

    What a great tutorial!!
    Thank you so much

  6. Janet Avatar

    nice concept and tutorial thank you !

  7. Photoshop for Beginner Avatar
    Photoshop for Beginner

    very Nice Tutorial
    Thank you so much

  8. Gleb Avatar

    You forgot to write about darkening sky in Step 9. Just about layer creating.

  9. paradox11111 Avatar

    At step 8, “Change the Blending mode of “sky 2″ to Soft Light” but you changed it to Overlay..

    Well, which one is it sir?

    1. dc2 Avatar

      Soft light is about the same as overlay. Overlay is more contrast and saturation.

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