Do you also use traditional tools, like pencils and paper, in your work? Why or why not?

I use traditional tools when I don’t have a PC but most of the time I paint or draw digitally because this is much convenient for me even if the sensations are different compared to pen and paper drawing.


Your HORIZON Game Wallpapers I & II project is really beautiful. Is this a real place or is it just something you imagined? And what is the meaning behind this piece?

Thank you. Yes the original plates are shots from Jordan desert near Petra. These were commissioned pieces for a game so I had to stay close to the game environment my client gave me. The first piece is exploration of a new planet and the second one is an ancient Varaian in Humanoid form channeling his energy to create a new life form, the Kor’tahz.


How many revisions did you go through in making the final output of The Portal Of Sagittarius? Did you enjoy doing it? Why or why not?

Not sure I had real revision on this piece because this time I knew almost exactly where I wanted to go. I wanted this portal to be massive with this flow of energy as the focal point. The back story came while the piece came along but the breakdown was quite fluid till the final result.


Is there anything that you’re working on currently that we can expect to see from you in the future?

Oh sure, you can always expect something from me ha ha !! I’m still learning a lot especially about character design. I train myself all the time even when I do commission for clients.


What is your favorite artwork and why?

Too hard to answer but of course sci-fi artworks are my favorites, characters, mecha, massive futuristic environments, city-space are totally fueling my inspiration. I really dig industrial design because I find some beauty in it, weird hein? Sci-fi gives such fruit for thoughts to imagination. Fantasy too you would reply, yes indeed but it’s just that this technological side in this genre speaks more to me.


More about Sebastien Hue

Sebastien created his own company SHUE-DIGITAL on September 2013 as independent freelancer and started to work for international companies like Orion Publishing in the UK or L30 Interactive in Canada. Visit his Behance profile or website to see more of his works.

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2 responses to “Interview with Digital Artist Sebastien Hue”

  1.  Avatar

    Amazing and inspiring artworks!

  2. Sharafat Zafar Avatar
    Sharafat Zafar

    i can not say about this awsom amazing wonder full very good

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