
Here are the results.


Step 48

Now add a Color balance adjustment layer and set the setting as shown in the image below.


Here are the results.


Step 49

Add another Color Look up adjustment layer and set the blend mode to color and reduce the opacity to 50%.


Here are the results.Group all the final adjustments and name that group Final Adjustments.


Step 50

In this step I will show a simple way to create a circle or aura for an angel.To create aura for an angel,create a new layer then select the brush tool.Choose the soft round Left Hand Pose Brush and set the size to 60 pixels then hardness to 90%.Now Paint on the layer as shown in the image and you have results like this shown in the image below.


Step 51

Add a layer mask to the layer and reduce the brush size to 40 to 45 pixels.Paint on the layer mask as shown in the image below.


Here are the results.


Step 52

Now,right click on the circle layer and choose blending options.Then add a outer glow effects.


Step 53

Create a new layer and pick soft round black brush then choose the color #986f27.Paint the light on the model head as shown by arrow in the image below.


Step 54

Create a new layer and load the debris brushes.Then Paint some debris like shown in the image below.


Step 55

We will give a Vignette effect to the scene.To create Vignette effect Stamp all the layers in one layer by pressing (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N).Then convert it to smart objects, to do this right click on layer and choose convert to smart objects.Then Go to Filter>Render>Lighting Effects and set the setting as shown in the image below.


Here are the results.


Final Step

This is the final step. On the layer mask of the smart filter and paint with soft round black brush in the selected area as shown in the image below.Congratulations, you have created a Beautiful Angel.


Final Results

final-results - Copy

Download the PSD

Tutorial by Bunty Pundir


Thanks for following the tutorial. Hope,you enjoyed it and it’s not difficult for you.I am an artist form New Delhi, India.If you want to see my other artwork go to my DeviantArt profile page.Always remember three magical words “Never Give Up”.Have a Great Photoshopping Day.

– Bunny

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13 responses to “How to Create a Beautiful and Emotional Angel Photo Manipulation in Photoshop”

  1. jenner Avatar

    very nice thank you for sharing your photoshop tutorial

  2. osaka_doug Avatar

    I was excited to start this tutorial but “Wing by – Wolverine” stock image is missing

    1. Photoshop Tutorials Staff Avatar
      Photoshop Tutorials Staff


  3. Andrea Anderson Avatar
    Andrea Anderson

    The wings stock photo is no longer available.

  4. Hussain Avatar

    Nice tuts! Thank you for sharing!

  5. Taylor Avatar

    Cool tutorial, it’s especially a good review on adjustment layers.

  6. Bhoomi Avatar


  7.  Avatar

    Nice Work

  8. Cindy Grundsten Avatar
    Cindy Grundsten

    Great tutorial!

  9. Geraldine Avatar

    Enjoyed thatl

  10. Gusti Aji Avatar
    Gusti Aji


  11. Mazed Maruph Avatar
    Mazed Maruph

    nice work!

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