Step 71

Create a Curves Adjustment Layer and use the settings shown below to boost the green colors. Select the Gradient Tool (G) and shift-drag in the layer mask (from top to bottom) to gradually hide the green effect from the sky.

Step 72

Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E to create a layer from all the visible layers. Apply a 15px Gaussian Blur (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) and change the blending mode of this layer to Soft Light. Lower the opacity to 15%. You can see we slightly increase the contrast and achieve a somewhat dreamy effect.

Step 73

Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E again to create another layer from all the visible layers but this time apply a sharpening effect (Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask).

Step 74

This scene look quite good already but the colors are still a bit desaturated. Create a new Photo Filter Adjustment Layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Photo Filter) and use the settings shown below to boost the colors and unify them at the same time.

Step 75

Create a new Gradient Map Adjustment Layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Gradient Map) and use the settings shown below. Change the blending mode to Soft Light and lower the opacity to 37%. As you can see the contrast is slightly increase and we have some new warm colors.

Step 76

Create a Brightness/Contrast Adjustment Layer and increase the Brightness slider to 110. Use the Gradient Tool again in the layer mask to restrict the effect only to the lower region of the scene. By doing so we will put the focus on our underwater dragon.

Final Results

Download the PSD

Green Dragon.zip| 111 MB

Tutorial by Johan Sandu

Thanks for following this tutorial! I hope you learned some useful techniques but also had some fun.Thanks for following this tutorial! I hope you learned some useful techniques but also had some fun.- Johan Sandu

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13 responses to “Create a Troublesome Underwater Scene with a Big Green Monster in Photoshop”

  1. luckystar Avatar

    Please check, no image. Thanks

  2. Esypasol Avatar

    Uhhm Im tryin’ to figured it out the steps that has no images. Kindly check it? :3 Thaaanks.

  3. Vörös Patrik Avatar
    Vörös Patrik

    http://postimg.org/image/vrrpleroz/ I have tried it xd I liked that tut, thanks..

  4. MattLis Avatar

    It is very good. Easy to follow the steps. Thank you for sharing. Just a shame that the download link does’nt work

  5. Tesfaye Abera Avatar
    Tesfaye Abera


  6. Rain Avatar

    i can’t see some of the images. Can you plz check them again?

    Thanks :)

  7. Steve Avatar

    Some of the images are not loading. You may want to check the paths

  8. Ihab El Shazly Avatar
    Ihab El Shazly

    Moataz Malinky

  9. Marghoob Ahmad Avatar
    Marghoob Ahmad

    ITzz Arslan

  10. Seth Kivuyo Avatar
    Seth Kivuyo


  11. Marghoob Ahmad Avatar
    Marghoob Ahmad

    I’m Photoshop beginner :) but I’m gonna try :)

    1. Abdou Brh Avatar
      Abdou Brh

      u’ll do it :like:

    2. Marghoob Ahmad Avatar
      Marghoob Ahmad

      i have done :)

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