Now let’s add some cracks on the gate to give it an ancient feel. First, click on the “wall 1” layer and activate the Eraser tool (E) and input the following values:
- Brush size: 20 px
- Hardness: 100%
- Opacity: 100%
- Flow: 100%

Now let’s add some shadows on the walls to add more depth. Create a new layer and position it above all the created layers and rename it as “wall shadow” and then activate the Brush tool (B) and input the following values:
- Brush size: 150 px
- Hardness: 0%
- Opacity: 15%
- Flow: 100%
Now that we’re done with this step, we would need to organize the layers under a group to avoid confusion in the next steps. Before creating a new group, select the layers “wall 2”, “wall 1”, “shadow 2” and “shadow 1” and then, create a new group by pressing Ctrl + G, now all those layers that you have selected would be automatically included in that new group. Rename the new group to “walls and floor and their shadow”.
Note: Upon doing that, the new group will hide the layers inside of it. To unhide it, just press the “play” button on the left side of the new group, and it will then roll the layers down.
Step 3 – Create the sky
Now, what we’re going to do on this step is that we would be adding the epic sky which is outside of the big doorway. Let’s open the “Stormy Sky” stock and then activate the Marquee tool (M) to select the sky in the image.

After that, drag the sky to our canvas using the Move tool (V) and once it is in our canvas, rename the layer to “sky” and then activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd + T) to reposition the sky. Make sure to place the layer under the “walls and floor” group so the sky would appear only on the opening of the doorway or gate.

Now let’s change the color of the sky. From the Menu bar, go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation. Once the Hue/Saturation box opens, input the following values respectively:
- Edit: Master
- Hue: -25
- Saturation: -50
- Lightness: -3
Now we will add a dark area on the sky to give it depth. Create a new layer and rename that layer to “dark area: sky”. After that position, that layer above our “sky” layer and then activate the Brush tool (B). Input the following settings:
- Brush size: 300 px
- Hardness: 0%
- Opacity: 15%
- Flow: 100%

Finally let’s give the sky a calming yet eerie feel through blurring the sky. Select the “sky” layer and from the Menu bar go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur and input the following settings:
5 responses to “Dark and Eerie Photo Manipulation Scene”
Many thanks, I enjoy your tutorials, you write very clearly so I am able to understand what I should do. I am learning a great deal!
This is so cool! Thank you!
BTW, the ‘gate’ is here:
Thank you Su! We’ve updated the link in the tutorial.
awesome tutorial
this is my desing alot
good tutorial
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