
Right click the canvas while a layer is selected and while the Brush tool (B) is activated and then click on the button highlighted below:


Then click on “Reset Brushes” from the contextual menu.


Now, that that is done input the following settings for our Brush tool (B):

  • Brush size: 1000px
  • Hardness: 0%
  • Opacity: 15%
  • Flow: 100%
  • #: ffffff

Note: The #: ffffff is the color of the brush. To change it to that, simply do the following:


Once the Color Picker box opens, input the following on the # box:

  • #: ffffff

Now, let’s start painting:


The result:


Next, let’s the foreground; to start let’s create a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) and input “darken foreground” on the name field.

Put this layer above all the layers that we’ve created.

Activate the Brush tool (B) and input the following:

  • Brush size: 1400px
  • Hardness: 0%
  • Opacity: 15%
  • Flow: 100%
  • #: 000000

Now, let’s paint:


The result:


Step 5: Create the Stone House and its Reflection

In this step, we will be adding the mysterious stone house which will be found at the edge of the dock. To start, let’s open “Piedra Parada” by cdiniro. Once it is open, activate the Magnetic Lasso Tool (L) and create a selection area around the giant stone. See image below:


Now, once that is done, activate the Move tool (V) and drag the selected area (our rock) and drag it all the way to our canvas. Position above all the layers that we’ve created.

Rename this layer now to “giant stone”.

Once renamed, position the giant stone as shown on the image below:


Next, we will darken the stone to blend it with the images. To start, let’s create a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) and on the name field, input: “darken stone”. Create a clipping mask for this layer so that the paint will just go to the “giant stone layer”.

Activate the Brush tool (B) and then input the following values:

  • Brush size: 1400px
  • Hardness: 0%
  • Opacity: 15%
  • Flow: 100%
  • #: 000000

Now, let’s start painting:


The result of that would be like this:


Now, we will be creating the stone house’s reflection; to start, duplicate our stone layer by pressing Ctrl/Cmd + J.

Next, drag this duplicated layer and put it below the “dock” layer. See image below:


Now that that’s done, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd + T) and then right click on the canvas to bring up the contextual menu. When this menu opens, click on Flip Vertical. See image below:

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4 responses to “How to Create an Oddly-shaped Surreal House”

  1. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    wow! Its really look so nice….

  2. Aislinn Sheehan Avatar
    Aislinn Sheehan

    This was really great and really well explained, but for anyone attempting to do this, to give your door and windows a less “fake” look give it a Gaussian blur with a 2 pixel radius. :D

  3. marshmallow123love Avatar


  4. jeronimox Avatar

    great master

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