The result:

Activate the Move tool (V) and drag the duplicated giant stone as shown on the image below:

Now, that that is done, let’s make it look like a reflection. To do that, click on this duplicated giant stone layer and then go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur. Once it opens, input the following:
- Angle: 0
- Distance: 50pixels

The result:

Step 6: Add the Door and Windows
Now, to make it look like a real house, we will be adding the door and the windows. To start, let’s first add the door. Open the stock image: “Old door” by salsoul.
Activate the Polygonal Lasso tool (L) and create a selection area around the door.

Once that is done, activate the Move tool (V) and drag the image to our canvas and put this layer above all the layers that we’ve created.
Rename this layer now to “door” and once you’ve done that, position the door as shown on the image below:

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd + T) and resize the door as shown on the image below:

The result should be similar to this:

Next, let’s reduce the lightness of the colors of this door; to do that, make sure that this door layer is selected and then go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation (or simply press Ctrl/Cmd + U).
Once the Hue/Saturation box opens, input the following:
- Edit: Master
- Hue: 0
- Saturation: 0
- Lightness: -20

The result:

Once we’re done with that, let’s now create the shadow of the door. Let’s start by creating a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) and on the name field, input: “door shadow”.
Next, drag this layer below the “door” layer so the door’s shadow would appear at the back of the door.
When you’re done, activate the Brush tool (B) and input the following:
- Brush size: 400px
- Hardness: 0%
- Opacity: 15%
- Flow: 100%
- #: 000000
Now, let’s paint:

The result:

Now, let’s proceed in creating the windows; to start, let’s open “Window” by mehrunnisa stock.
Once the stock image is open, activate the Rectangular Marquee tool (M) and create a selection area around the window.

Activate the Move tool (V) and drag this window to our canvas. Make sure to put it above all the layers that we’ve created.
Rename this layer now to “window”.
Position the window as shown on the image below:

Now, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd + T) and resize the window as shown on the image below:
4 responses to “How to Create an Oddly-shaped Surreal House”
wow! Its really look so nice….
This was really great and really well explained, but for anyone attempting to do this, to give your door and windows a less “fake” look give it a Gaussian blur with a 2 pixel radius. :D
great master
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