How to Create a Red Riding Hood Artwork in Photoshop

How to Create a Red Riding Hood Artwork in Photoshop
How to Create a Red Riding Hood Artwork in Photoshop

Step 35

The eyeshadows, this step is very easy cause you can play with colors. Create a new layer Shift+Ctrl+N. used a soft round brush in the model's eye.


Then change the layer to multiply, and used smudge tool to make it softer. Repeat this process with another color to get a better effect.


Step 36

To paint the hair I used the pen tool. Create a new layer, then select the freeform pen tool and star drawing the hair with the mouse.


Step 37

Give a right click in the image and you are going to have a menu, choose the Stroke Path option.


Then select Brush Pressure.


And the Result is this one. Also you can use Blur tool to make the strokes softer.


Step 38

To make more hair you can duplicate the layer you just made and just change color or shape using free transform. CTRL+T. option Warp.


In the first Image you see the warp option, then I change the color so you can see where are the hairs from that layer.


Step 39

We are going to add some shadow under the basket. Create a new layer, the paint with a soft brush under the basket.


Then add some Blur. Filter-> Blur -> Gaussian blur.


You will get this result


Step 40

Now we need to fix the model's dress, in the bottom, to do this I used the eraser. Until you get something like this:


Step 41

Now you need to add the wolf to the image. Cut the wolf with the quick selection tool.


Step 42

Put the wolf in the art. And add some Gaussian blur Filter-> Blur - Gaussian blur.


Step 43

To complete that distant effect we have to add also blur to the trees. go to the background layer and select only the trees with lasso tool.


Duplicate the layer CTRL+J. Then press Ctrl+F. this will Apply the last filter you used. In this case the Gaussian Blur. and the result has to be this:


Step 44

Add some bird and branches brushes. New Layer shift+crtrl+n. pick some bird and branches brushes and used the layer with 80% of opacity.


Step 45

Now lighting, this part is the most important cause is going to bring the art more realistic. Start creating a new layer, the paint with a soft White brush around the model.


Use the layer in soft light.


Step 46

Create a new layer and used Gradient tool like this:

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