i wish you we're here

If you could describe your arts in 3 words, what would those words be and why?

That would be colorful dreamy memories. Those words describe what I want to achieve in my illustrations.


More about Nikki Radan

As of today, Nikki Radan is still trying to find and learn more techniques in drawing to improve her illustrations. You can find more of her artworks on her Behance profile.

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5 responses to “Interview with Illustrator Nikki Radan”

  1. Jose Manuel O. Dolom Avatar
    Jose Manuel O. Dolom

    Nice nikkie

  2. Pauline Marie Mayol Castro Avatar
    Pauline Marie Mayol Castro


  3. Nikki Radan Avatar
    Nikki Radan

    Thank you :)

  4. Nadiyah Watts Avatar
    Nadiyah Watts

    Abby Hermes

  5. Shri Nidhi C Avatar
    Shri Nidhi C


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