Step 44
Similarly complete the highlights for lower base. But don’t create any shadow layer like “Base upr large side shadow” for base lower large side.

Step 45
Create a new layer group “Stands” on top of the existing group “Base upr + lwr”. Then create two new rectangle shape layers (#4c4c4c) connecting the upper and lower base. Each rectangle will be 17 pixels wide and 491 pixels tall. Shape layers names are “Stand left” and “stand right”.

Step 46
Double click on “Stand left” layer create the following layer style. First Gradient Overlay.

Inner Glow settings:

Inner Shadow settings:

Step 47
Copy “Stand left” layer style and paste on “Stand right”. In the layer style only change the Gradient Overlay angle.

Left and right stand after layer style.

Step 48
Create a new layer (“Stands left + right highlights”) on top of “Stand right” layer. Select a soft brush with 50% opacity and white color. Then CTRL-click to select the stand layers and paint some highlights like the image below. Change the opacity of the “Stands left + right highlights” layer to 50% and Blend Mode to Overlay.

Step 49
Next we will create two shadow layers for stands. First the vertical shadow. Create new layer on top of the “Stands left + right highlights” with the name “Stand shadows ver”. Then with a soft black color brush with 50% opacity paint straight vertical shadows for both stands. After that change the opacity of “Stand shadows ver” layer to 70% and Blend Mode to Multiply.

Step 50
Create the second shadow layer with the name “Stand shadows” on top of “Stand shadows ver” and paint some shadows like the image below with the same brush.

Step 51
Next we will create the sand within the hourglass. Create a new layer group with the name “Sand” on top of the “Stands” group. But before starting with the sand, let’s take a look at the structure first. The sand will consists of four basic shapes like the exploded view below.

Top, upper and lower sand shapes are created with Pen Tool. But we will create the falling sand with 59 pixel Spatter brush from the Brush preset. Then modify the Spatter brush in the Brush Panel (Window > Brush). Check the image below for Spatter brush settings:
20 responses to “Create an Hourglass in Photoshop”
Awesome. Thanks for sharing
This is terrible.
i agree
Thank You so much for giving such details. I created my hour glass for my upcoming DVD. best wishes to you. I will like to explore more and purchase soon.
Interesting :p :)
Am unable to download the file.
I am stuck with step 11.when i make that new layer ”glass upper shadow edge 1” ,i can’t fill it with black,but i don’t know why . Can anybody help me with that?
wow.. Fantastic steps.. I really like it. keep up :-)
Awesome… Thanks for sharing..
your welcome Hetor
Amazing, from scratch. Great work!
here the same: link doesnt work
Problems with website
Unable to load with this link.
yes! there is also same problem in link….
This link doesnt work for me, anyone else having the same trouble?
The Link Is Not Working For Me
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