Create a Dark Spiritual Ritual Scene of a Girl in Photoshop

Create a Dark Spiritual Ritual Scene of a Girl in Photoshop
Create a Dark Spiritual Ritual Scene of a Girl in Photoshop

Step 41

Create a Curves Adjustment Layer on top of all layers, and do as shown in the image below, just move the shadows pointer of green curves and red curves a bit, same goes for blue curves.


Create a Selective Color Adjustment Layer on top of all layers, in the colors tab choose Natural and set the black color to +15.


Step 42

Now hold Alt+Ctrl+Shift+E to make a merged layer of all the layers.


and finally go to Image > Adjustments > Variation and do the steps as shown in the image below.


Final Results


Download the PSD

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Tutorial by Ahmad Tahhan


Thank you for following this Tutorial! I hope you enjoyed it and learnd useful things from it. Please if there is any uncler step or you need any assitance in this Tutorial don't hesitate to ask me through my DA page :

- Ahmad Tahhan

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5 comments on “Create a Dark Spiritual Ritual Scene of a Girl in Photoshop”

  1. Had a hard time getting the mixer brush tool, never delivered as smooth a surface as the tutorial displays. (Step 27)

    Also, the gradient noise for the beam isn't as sharp after motion blur applied.

    Besides that, great descriptive tutorial. Thanks.

  2. thank you for sharing. Your dahtuger is precious. I hope the world is always good to her. your link to the book has a 404 error. no book there so is your site down?

  3. Too many step images are missing/failing to load - review your upload before announcing it. This could have been an great tutorial as an inspirational learning project.

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