Step 57

In order to further increase the focus on the sky let’s darken the terrain a bit. Create a Curves Adjustment layer and drag the curve down a little to darken. Choose the Gradient tool and press D to set default colors. Click on the layer mask and holding Shift drag from the top of the scene to the bottom area.

Step 58

Finally, let’s add some color tint. Create a new Gradient Map Adjustment layer an choose the same preset as we choose at step 53. Change the blending mode to Linear Dodge and lower the Opacity to 23%. That’s it.


Final Results


Download the PSD

Tutorial by Adrian Scheff


Thanks for following my tutorial and I hope you learned some useful Photoshop tips and techniques. You can find me on deviant art at fantmayo.deviantart.com.

-Adrian Scheff

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19 responses to “How to Create Vivid Arabian Night Composite in Photoshop”

  1. lantai marmer Avatar
    lantai marmer

    File please..

  2. Rajesh Avatar
  3. Ihsan Avatar

    link to the download ?

  4. JM Avatar

    This is some half-assed work indeed. The stars can been seen straight through all over the moon. The clouds are overblown to white and badly blended. This looks like the work of a troll to me. I mean come on.

  5. Chris Avatar

    There’s no link to the download file!!!

    1. Chris Avatar

      The PSD file …

  6. mr.Rasel Avatar

    its so informative tutorial.

  7. Gail lenio Avatar
    Gail lenio

    its really helpful tut i learn many things from this.

  8. John Avatar

    wtf is this shit? looks like something a kid in elementary school would draw = /

  9. Nico Avatar

    There’s no link to the Clouds image… : ((

  10. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    This is a really inspiring collection for all, I like it, thanks for shearing!

  11. Maidul Islam Avatar
    Maidul Islam

    Thank you for the great tutorial! It has been very helpful to see a few techniques in action.

  12. Arafin Sardar Avatar
    Arafin Sardar

    Really amazing photo manipulation tutorial.

  13.  Avatar

    Nice tut!

    1.  Avatar

      what a hard im just a highschool

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